Sunday, January 17, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Sunday, January 17, 2021

  • 9/11 Justice in 2021: An Interview with Ted Walter featuring Walter, a high-profile activist who is associated with various 9/11 organizations demanding an independent study of the 9/11 event which was the greatest psy-op in history. He is currently Director of Strategy and Development at AE911Truth from which this interview is sourced. Except for a self-disclosure of Walter's background as a teacher in Philadelphia, I could find no other information regarding the educational credentials of Ted Walter. However, the AE911Truth organization consists of mostly architects and engineers who see the obvious flaws of the government's official account of the 9/11 event.
Baker is completely unaware that he is exposing the contradictions between the logic of capitalism as applied to the current health pandemic that is creating havoc among people who do not have access to medical care and low-cost drugs and the profit motive of capitalist actors. He doesn't realize that under advanced capitalism drugs are only considered a commodity like any other to enrich those who have ownership (and control) over intellectual patents. Advanced capitalism is where the capitalist class has so much consolidated wealth and power that they control government institutions that supposedly serve the people. Baker, whose career as a well-paid economist has been comfortably serving capitalist institutions for the benefit of himself and his family, still isn't aware of the contradictions of capitalism that promotes the welfare of a tiny class of rich capitalists against the well-being of the overwhelming majority of the world's population.
Silicon Valley’s most influential companies, alongside healthcare companies, US intelligence contractors and the Commons Project Foundation, recently launched the Vaccination Credential Initiative. The initiative’s ambitions reach far beyond vaccines and will have major implications for civil liberties.
... the US is waving around a broken stick and has run out of carrots. China on the other hand, waves around a big stick and one not aimed at players in the region, but at America and its retreat across the Pacific. China is also enjoying an abundance of carrots which to offer potential allies. 
For all of these reasons, the US, through its own foreign policy, is isolating itself, not China and it is a trend that will only continue into the foreseeable future until the US is able to forego its position above all other nations and accept a constructive position among them instead.
  • The Russian Revolution: Separating Truth from Myth by Max Parry from The Unz Review. My reaction: I've encountered this propaganda so often. This article describes how capitalist ideologists tried to re-write the history of the Russian Revolution to conform to capitalist propaganda. But the irony is that his capitalist masters fired Prof. Antony Sutton in 1976 from Stanford's Hoover Institution after he wrote in his book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler that international capitalists funded the rise of the Nazi Party. Sutton was highly erratic in his interpretation of history, but so were his peers who were trying to ingratiate themselves with their capitalist bosses to provide support for their propaganda.