Saturday, January 30, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Saturday & Sunday, January 30 & 31, 2021

  • Dump Davos #1: Data Colonialism & Hackable Humans. This video presentation is an almost 2.5 hours, and it is an experiment. I know that my followers cannot afford nearly $10/month, but I can. So if I do not encounter any harassment from posting this video from Rokfin, I will do so in the future. (I encourage those that can afford it to subscribe to Rokfin.) The content of the video shows that our capitalist masters are worried, realistically I may add, about the twin threats to humans posed by nuclear war and environmental destruction. But their 3rd threat is their fantasy-concoction--they call the "Great Reset"--that they are planning for us, the "useless class" of humans. This is a best post. (I just realized that Harari gave this speech at last years Davos meeting which makes it even more important.)
In this video series investigating the people and agendas of the World Economic Forum, Whitney Webb and Johnny Vedmore analyze a recent speech given at Davos by Israeli "futurist" historian Yuval Noah Harari that exposes the WEF's agenda for the "useless class", the rise of exploited data colonies and the creation of an internal and external surveillance state.
  • Socialist Group Cheering Censorship Gets Banned From Facebook w/Glenn Greenwald featuring Dore and Greenwald pointing to the irony of the left's support of censorship. (Via Jimmy Dore's channel on YouTube.) If you liked this video, you should be very interested in what looks like a continuation of the interview in this post "Why Online Dems Hate Jimmy Dore! w/ Glenn Greenwald". My reaction: Greenwald and Dore are only talking about highly educated upper-middle-class people who have long supported the ruling class, and many of whom are conflicted between their commitment to their principles and preserving their well-paid careers. Ordinary and working people are largely left out of this discussion because they are confused and lack organization, and because Congress is supposed to have charge of our lives. It must be recognized that highly educated and rewarded people are critically important in order to make the capitalist system work, and the system itself is devoted to private rich owners. It follows that this class of people should not be counted on to support the interests of ordinary and working people. Dore is extremely frustrated because he looks to this class to save ordinary people.