Monday, February 1, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Monday, February 1, 2021

  • Why the US Will Continue to Meddle in Thailand... by Brian Berletic from his weblog Land Destroyer Report. (Note: Berletic explains why a different administration will make no difference in US interference in other nations political affairs. He goes on to explain that corporation funded "think tanks" or corporate policy committees fund this interference to influence other nation's policies toward neoliberal policies, or policies that open their countries to make it easier for international corporations to exploit the cheap labor and resources that these nations possess.) My reaction: Although he explains most bills that are introduced to Congress originate in the corporate-funded "think tanks", Berletic doesn't address the ongoing propaganda and disruptive efforts by Deep State agencies like the CIA, NSA, etc. to sponsor and train political movements recently seen in Hong Kong, and now in Russia with riots that back Navalny using outrageous propaganda as Bartlett, an independent journalist, explains in this video.
  • Biden Attacks Farms – Comprehensive War on Global Food Supply – Engineered Famine by Christian from his weblog Ice Age Farmer. My reaction: I cannot agree or disagree with many of the things he says in this 27:39m video, and that is because I don't know farm problems. He is an independent reporter of farmers' concerns about the food supply, and as such I am posting this. I do agree with him about his negative comments in relation to bio-engineering of food and Monsanto's engineered seeds. But on other topics such as cutting back on meat in our diets and his cynical views of ruling class's concern about the climate crisis, I cannot agree with him. In relation to the last topic, I think that the ruling class is trying hard to not let the real climate crisis interfere with their preoccupation with wealth accumulation. Regarding his general view of the Biden administration, I agree that the administration's policies are putting small farmers out of business and promoting Big Ag as would be expected from a capitalist ruling class.
An academic critical media literacy conference warning of the dangers of media censorship has, ironically, been censored by YouTube. The Critical Media Literacy Conference of the Americas 2020 took place without incident online over two days in October and featured a number of esteemed speakers and panels discussing issues concerning modern media studies. 
Weeks later, however, the entire video record of the conference — estimated at around 24 hours of material — disappeared from YouTube.
  • Just A Bunch Of Goodfellas THAT LOVE YOU! featuring Jason Bermas on his channel on Rokfin in a 23:32m video satirically commenting on each of the "Goodfellas" loving us so much! (Note: The video starts at about 25 seconds.)
  • Don’t be Fooled that Corporations’ Motives are Moral by Leonard C. Goodman from CounterPunch. (Note: Although at the end of the article, CounterPunch states that "This article was produced by Economy for All, a project of the Independent Media Institute.", I could not find it on either website or any piece on those websites that was authored by Leonard C. Goodman. However, there were an abundance of articles on CounterPunch's website that were by this author.)
This essay is an introduction to the topic of Mass Propaganda and, perhaps more importantly, to a brief series of articles detailing how the US has been for more than 100 years the most propagandised and brainwashed nation in the world. The history of thbis has been buried for generations, but the facts are indisputable. One of the most important elements in this tale, as we shall see, is the employment of propaganda in American war marketing.
This short film, written and narrated by political consultant Jeffrey Peel, compares the UK death toll of January 2015 with this month just past, and asks are we truly in the middle of a pandemic? Or has mass PCR testing simply created a monster with no body?
While you may not agree with every position he takes, there’s no ignoring his figures, or his concern about the personal liberties of every British citizen.
The might of Israel, the power of Washington’s interventionist alliance, the horror of war, the poverty of sanctions, nothing can erode this belief in their ability to withstand the darkness and to find the inextinguishable light that is at the core of their resilience. This is the impenetrable wall of resistance that has enabled Syria and Syrians to survive ten years of collective and devastating war and economic punishment and it is built on the ancient foundations of history, heritage, culture and refusal to kneel or capitulate to external, hostile influences. This wall will never fall.