Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Tuesday, February 2, 2021

  • Myanmar Crisis Explained... by Brian Berletic from his weblog Land Destroyer Report. (Note: Myanmar is only an example of how the USA works to subvert unfriendly governments and install "friendly" governments that will cooperate with their Empire's capitalist interests.)
Driver tends, as is commonly done, to shame us into acting in a more moral fashion. Later on in his argument he cites numerous studies, that I have been exposed to because I was a student of sociology in college, that illustrated how immoral acts are committed by the average human because he/she wanted the approval of authorities. Then he caps his argument off with an experiment done on individuals who merely wanted to gain the approval of the group. In both cases, the individuals succumbed to authority figures or a social group. 
These experiments are often cited by authoritarians who want to prove how weak humans are, and thus provide evidence to support their belief in authoritarianism: the belief that certain individuals are endowed with superior wisdom in contrast to the herd of humans which consist of dumb animals. The fact that these superior individuals all belong to one dominant class of people is carefully hidden from their brainwashing task in order to prove their bias of class leadership. In reality Driver is not trying to morally shame us into more ethical behavior, he is attempting to justify the moral position that a few individuals are superior and thus should be followed. Note that in the group experiment where all of the "subjects" were in on the experiment that the latter conformed to the authority's wishes. They, too, were indoctrinated to obey the existing authorities. However, this was carefully omitted from the report. 
Disobeying authorities usually brings swift punishment for any who wish to defy authority. Driver knows this and all supporters of class rule know this. Thus, such propagandists--Driver is one such individual--know that most humans from birth are taught to conform to the expectations of their class of people. But "class" is carefully hidden from the consciousness of ordinary humans. (To point to class as explaining anything is like farting in a social setting--it's taboo.) On the other hand, what is drilled into the minds of ordinary humans is the belief of the desirability of promoting the welfare of the family. That is precisely why a thoroughly brainwashed Margaret Thatcher revealed her own belief that "there is no such thing as society, there is only individuals and their families."
As Jerome Roos wrote in 2013 shortly after her death :
In the global class war of the 21st century, Thatcher’s blunt upper-class sneers have been replaced with ... Reagan’s cowboy attitude to CIA-sponsored coups and US invasions in Latin America has long since made way for Obama’s friendly smiles and silent drone strikes. In the process, the dehumanizing logic of global capitalism and neoliberal ideology is obscured with a gentle layer of good-intent. This is capitalism with a human face; a blend of market fundamentalism specifically tailored to making you believe it is in your best interest to obey.
He continues on to conclude:
... it remains crucially important to make a distinction here: it was not Thatcher who systematically erased our dignity and destroyed our society. It was the capitalist system she sought to defend.
To promote this fake meme of obedience is to avoid the subject of disobedience to class authorities which usually brings swift punishment to individuals and even their families. It is a consciousness that one belongs to a class that rescues one from the unconscious blind obedience to mostly brainwashed authority figures that support capitalist class rule.
  • Whitney Webb Interview – Starbucks COVID Connection, GameStop Suspicions & WEF Cyber Pandemic Simulations from The Last American Vagabond. This discussion between Webb and Cristián lasts nearly 2 hours based on Webb's research which she summarizes. Because of the corporations and individuals involved and the "weird" way their involvement is introduced in mainstream media, they both suspect that a public relations campaign is going on to cover the increasing role of major corporations in obtaining data about the general public. Also, they suspect this is only beginning steps to integrate the present situation in the USA into their plans for the Great Reset.
  • Citizen for Free Speech featuring an interview conducted by James Corbett, of The Corbett Report, with Patrick Wood, founder of Citizens for Free Speech, concerning his worries about restrictions on people's communications. (Note: Corbett brings the subject back into his anarchist perspective by pointing to the facade of "government" as the culprit rather than the people who control the government--the capitalist ruling class.)
  • The triads, the Kuomintang and Hong Kong’s “democracy riots” by Ji Pei from "the Saker Blog". (Note: This post will interest those who are interested in history, particularly China's history of the 19th and early 20th century. Also recall that Franklin D. Roosevelt, another history and ancestry buff, traced his family fortune to a person who engaged in the China- trade in opium.)