Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Wednesday, February 3, 2021

  • This Is Why They Attack Him - Putin Explains Why We Need New Economic Policies by Bernhard (a German independent blogger) from his weblog Moon of Alabama. (My reaction: The title refers to the theme in this report, and, in addition, you can learn what you are missing by reading this article. You will also learn what corporations like NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, NPR, CNN, etc. fail to inform you. They want you to be ignorant of what goes on in the world, and fill you with propaganda that serves billionaires so that you will end up being compliant serfs. If this article interests you, you might also add to your information about the real world by reading this.
  • Taking on Telecom’s “5G” by David Rosen from CounterPunch. My reaction: Of course, taking on the Telecom's "5G" is like taking on the capitalist system. This issue is about the very core of capitalism to make profits and thereby create influence in the sacred halls of Congress.
  • ‘Cancel the Rents’: People Across the US Mobilize Calling for Housing Relief from People's Dispatch. My reaction: This is another way that the ruling class can impose the divide and conquer strategy on the American people. Landlords have substantial mortgages and bills to pay for upkeep of their properties. With ordinary Americans looking out for their own interest and their family's interests, we can expect more turmoil in the days ahead.
  • Are UN climate talks leading to a global dictatorship? by by Simon Butler from Climate & Capitalism. My reaction: Butler's central criticism of the book is: "Climate Leviathan warns that a worldwide imperial state is on the agenda, but provides no credible arguments or evidence." But, maybe that's obvious, and therefore no need to supply evidence.