Thursday, February 4, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend today: Thursday, February 4, 2021

  • Atlantic Council Pens Anonymously Authored Expose Calling for Regime Change in China by Alan Macleod from Mint Press News. My reaction: This group is represented by unelected members sponsored and promoted by the international capitalist class that has created the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. This document contains the real intentions of this transnational ruling class that is in control of the Empire, and all the government agencies of the Empire will carry out this plan. You probably thought that official legislative bodies whose members consist of "democratically" elected members actually made both foreign and domestic policies. Sorry to disillusion you. It is a primary function of media corporations, but will be supported by all institutions, to convince you of the latter.
It is hard to discern what events were crucial in the fulfillment of the empire builders in 1941 as they launched their project to what became the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire, the "New World Order" of today. But one such event noted by many people interested in true history, and Prof. Curtin and I are among them, is the assassination of President John Kennedy. I remember very well the details of the event, and that verified details pointed to a coup d'état by what many scholars began naming as a Deep State, the real capitalist rulers of their growing empire. Although I don't recall Curtin's use of the concept of the Deep State, he was clearly disturbed by this event because it clashed with all the conventional political ideas with which he had been indoctrinated.
One important agent of this Deep State was the long-time director of the highly secretive Deep State, the CIA, was Allan Dulles. Pres. Kennedy was in the tradition of Franklin Roosevelt. Kennedy was no anti-capitalist as was Roosevelt, but he, like Roosevelt, believed in social justice among and within nations. The fact that capitalism was antithetical to social justice escaped both leaders, and Kennedy, and maybe even Roosevelt was (many suspect this) assassinated for this error in judgment.
Professor (of Sociology) Curtin is one such scholar (shortly to be dismissed from his employment), and he has closely followed the events and the coverup by government authorities, media, and all institutions since it happened in 1963. Thus, Curtin can be named as an expert on this historic event, and the author of this new book added clarity to his understanding.
This is just more anti-Chinese propaganda (disinformation) that highly secret agencies proliferate from the media corporations and the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire that they serve. This propaganda, like all the other efforts such as the Covid-19 pandemic, Russia, censoring real independent bloggers, etc. are designed to control the minds of the American populace. 
The first step is to turn off your TV (for entertainment only) and get the real news from thoroughly independent bloggers. But you say, which are "thoroughly independent"?  That is the critical challenge of our times! Most of us are trying to merely survive and don't have time to devote to any challenge. This is unlike the fabulously rich who can spend very little of their money to hire desperate folks like us to go online and spread disinformation.