Thursday, March 11, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Thursday, March 11, 2021

The rich US capitalist ruling class using direct threat of violence supplied by the US military have succeeded in using Columbia as a base to control all of South America. They have done this under the guise of fighting the trafficking of illicit drugs, and, of course, against any violation of human rights. However, their real intentions were to control South America for the benefit of US corporations. 
Meanwhile, this self-seeking wealth and power ruling class have used censorship and propaganda to keep out any hint of their real intentions from ordinary Americans who have in the past enjoyed some of the benefits of this control. As long as some of the benefits kept coming for ordinary Americans and they were distracted by all the entertainment that the ruling class supplied to them, they ignored what their government, controlled by capitalists, was doing to the rest of the world. Thus, our masters have depended on the ignorance of their subjects regarding their real intentions. 
It is becoming increasingly clear to ordinary Americans that they have been deceived about a number of issues by their masters in the ruling class. Whether a sufficient number of ordinary people wake up to this fact to challenge these policies remains to be seen. A positive outcome requires ordinary Americans to identify with ordinary people, not only Colombians but all people of the world because they have all been targets for exploitation by capitalist ruling classes.
  • Aid for Profit: The Dark History of USAID by Saheli Khastagir from Current Affairs. (Note: This general policy used government aid to underdeveloped nations following WWII to serve the profit needs of US corporations by tying aid to purchases from US corporations.)
  • When American Small Towns Loved Socialism by Dave Nance, Noah Van Sciver, Paul Buhle, and Steve Max from Yes!. (Note: This post is for those of you who, through no fault of your own, are ignorant of the real history of the USA. Also, I think that the contents of this post don't justify the headline that only "small towns loved socialism".)