Friday, March 12, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Friday, March 12, 2021

  • Debunking Virology With Dr. Thomas Cowan, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Stefano Scoglio featuring Derrick Broze who listens to the explanations of three specialists about isolation of viruses versus the fairly recent practice of virologist's claim that they claim the isolation of SARS-COV-2 virus which result in Covid-19 illness. This is a 41:26m video discussion posted from EarthNewspaper's channel of Bitchute. (Note: This explanation is not that the disease of Covid-19 doesn't exist, but the development of vaccines to prevent the disease is not valid from a scientific perspective.)
  • Vaccine Secrets from Children's Health Defense. (Note: A cartoonist's conspiracy theories factual reporting on vaccines in the USA. But these facts are secrets that Big Pharma, their sponsored Congress, government bureaucrats, media corporations, and capitalist-funded "fact-checkers" don't want you to know. Such facts are documented on this website.)
The reason these little hall monitors do not consider this to be “real reporting” is because they do not care about — except when they venerate — real power centers like security state agencies (CIA/FBI/NSA/DHS) or the Pentagon, Wall Street hedge funds, Silicon Valley monopolies, repressive regimes. They think “reporting” means writing what those agencies and power centers tell them to say, or ruining the reputations of people for saying bad words on 4Chan and expressing prohibited thoughts with Facebook memes and Clubhouse chats. That is all they recognize as journalism; everything else is “harassment” because real reporting makes the lives of elites and people who wield real influence more difficult ....
Such granular levels of information could only be dreamed of by Allen Dulles and the CIA’s disinformation efforts behind the Iron Curtain during the Cold War. But, today, our digitally-integrated world allows for such dystopian dreams to become a reality. At the same time, it makes exposing these operations that much easier.
Nuclear power has always been a corrupt enterprise, but in Japan now that corruption is coming back to hold its perpetrators accountable. On February 19, the Tokyo High Court ordered the government and TEPCO to pay damages of $2.63 million to 43 people who were forced to evacuate from their homes by the Fukushima disaster. The presiding judge called the government’s regulatory inaction “extremely unreasonable.” There are as many as 30 more such suits pending in Japanese courts.