Friday, March 19, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Friday, March 19, 2021

  • World Wide Rally For Freedom featuring James Corbett and James Evan Pilato in a 28:34m video first commenting on media corporation's reporting on the upcoming worldwide protests of the pandemic restrictions. After about 18 minutes they talk about censorship issues.
The ruling capitalist class has used the social identity trick for many years to elect first Barack Obama and then in their attempt to elect Hillary Clinton. Now they have expanded their scope of operations to other social identity groups and smear anyone who challenges them (in addition to anyone who questions their pandemic policies). They do this in order to divide us into hating each other, to distract us from forming other ideas that might be influenced by class politics, and to divert our attention away from real issues of inequality under a capitalist system. 
I think they expanded their psychology operation to extend to other identity groups after they failed to elect Hillary Clinton to the presidency. But they saw it as useful because it greatly influenced the upper-middle-class of college-educated professionals which is their core constituency. They drew on their highly trained advertising and public relations experts to study how to "sell" ruling class policies to the rest of the American society. I think Eric London was right when he wrote the following:
Identity politics has become a key mechanism through which the next 9 percent situated below the top 1 percent advances its grievances within the political establishment, fighting for “space” in the universities, trade unions, political parties, state apparatus, and corporate media. This layer, which forms a principal social base for the Democratic Party, is generally pro-war and supportive of the right-wing policies that have produced a soaring stock market. 
Comics like Jimmy Dore exposed their feminist trick, and radical film reviewers like Michael Walsh did likewise in his review of Hollywood film. Satirists like CJ Hopkins cited in 2018 the advantages that this project of social identity had for our masters in the ruling class. He argued that its appeal extended to other groups and all classes of society. But our masters didn't quit--they had finally found the magic key to the manipulation of the general population. 
Over the years the public opinion shapers improved on his project by using it against major dissidents to control and limit their influence on the general population. They discovered last year the benefits of declaring a pandemic: it enabled them to add censorship to their project by using "fact- checkers" to prohibit the use of privately owned social platforms by disobedient dissidents in order to limit their influence. Now they have turned their new weapon on the likes of Glenn Greenwald and Katie Herzog whose writings challenged their newfound weapon. This could not be tolerated. The two in this post, besides commiserating with each other, explain the victimization as a phenomenon of recent converts to prior forbidden social identities as the source of the attacks on them. However, unlike Walsh and Hopkins, the two do not explicitly link this recent persecution to a ruling class that doesn't like their brand of independent journalism.
  • The Puppet Masters: Is There Really a Deep State? by Philip Geraldi from Strategic Culture Foundation (based in Russia, but independent and international). My reaction: For a long time I have suspected Geraldi to be an agent of one of the Empire's many secret services, and now I am sure. You see, they have heavily infiltrated many news agencies located in the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire in order to shape public opinion according to the orders of the Deep State. For the past several years Geraldi has posed as a supporter of Palestinian rights and in opposition to Israeli policies to the extent that one could label him with an anti-Semitic bias. However, now that he is firmly established in various publications and has collected an audience of mostly left-wingers, his bosses in the Deep State ordered him to obscure the CIA, the foremost US secret service, and gaslight the Deep State, the hidden, real government of the USA. In this article he poo-poos the concept of a Deep State, reverses the role they play in relation to their secret services, and he conflates the term "Deep State" with "establishment". Contrary to his assertion, the concept of "deep state" was not coined by a Turkish author, but by Peter Dale Scott. You see, for more than 50 years, I have observed and read about the subversive actions of the CIA, the hidden government represented by the Deep State, and I've developed an advanced "nose" for detecting such fake opinion-shapers. In this case, the stench is overwhelming.
  • Myanmar: Hidden Opposition Violence by Brian Berletic from his weblog Land Destroyer Report. My reaction: I have covered Berletic's reports, when he was known as "Tony Cartalucci", for many years, and I've always found them to be reliable. In this post he takes a report from a Western news agency and shows by reading line by line how it is scripting reports from other "color revolutions", whose activists are funded via Western NGOs, to hide what is really going on--starting a revolution in Myanmar.