Sunday, March 21, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Sunday, March 21, 2021

  • Why Do They Keep Doing It? by Patrick Armstrong from Strategic Culture Foundation (based in Russia but they post international writers). My reaction: It's what the ruling class in the USA has been devoted to since the US entered WWII--building a capitalist empire (commentary). This goal was to maximize their wealth and to enhance their power. It has become an obsession without which life has no meaning for them.
This post is dripping with cynicism by Engdahl who has business expertise combined with knowledge of geopolitics, however is someone lacking in knowledge upon the impending climate crisis that scientists have studied and have warned us about. This criticism also applies to a number of experts such as Guy McPherson, who has expertise in physical sciences and has specialized in global warming, but who sometimes wanders into other areas like psychology, anthropology, philosophy, etc. People have an expertise in a certain area and must stick to that area, and not assume an all-knowing wisdom. 
Christian Westbrook (Ice Age Farmer) is a farmer who has dabbled a bit in sunspots and concludes that the whole ecology movement is suspect, that there is no climate crisis, etc. Engdahl clearly is a climate-warming denier even though he lacks scientific knowledge that McPherson has and the many independent scientists who have been warning us that the destabilization of our climate is driving us to extinction. 
Engdahl, Westbrook, and activists have been duped so many times by ruling class experts that it is understandable why they question everything and distrust everything that authorities tell them, but they even distrust what more independent experts say. These examples, and many others, are why I don't have faith that Western activists can achieve a recognition of who their real opponents are, and replace capitalism with a socialist system within the time remaining before humans become extinct.
However, this post is valuable in that Engdahl has information about how members of the US/Anglo/Zionist ruling class are conspiring to save capitalism, a system that has given capitalists so much wealth and power. Top members of the ruling class have clearly listened to the independent physical scientists and their research about the growing climate crisis. Thus, they have come up with a plan (too late) called the Great Reset in a desperate attempt to save themselves from this crisis. But it is far too late, and anyway capitalism and a sustainable climate are a contradiction that they refuse to recognize because of their obsession with wealth and power that the system supplies them with such abundance.
  • The TRUTH About War Crimes featuring Lee Camp, via his YouTube channel in an 11:20m post, using sarcastic humor to attack our mainstream news so conveniently furnished by media corporations to brainwash Americans. My reaction: He uses reports from alternative media, which few people watch, as a means to attack ubiquitous reports by media corporations like CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, NPR, PBS, and their local affiliates. However, most Americans watch and take seriously the latter reports as witnessed during this pandemic by complying with lockdown orders, wearing masks, social distancing, taking their vaccines, etc. without questions or doubts. 
Introduction – If America Dissolves…
Bernays and Propaganda – Part 1 of 5 —
Bernays and Propaganda – Part 2 of 5 — The Marketing of War —
Bernays and Propaganda – Part 3 of 5 –– Democracy Control –
Bernays and Propaganda – Part 4 of 5 –The Transition to Education and Commerce –
Bernays and Propaganda – Part 5 of 5 — Propaganda Continues Unabated —
Epilogue – Captain America –The Man with Two Brains 

My reaction: I'm not sure about his argument about Americans having two disconnected mind-sets, but I can agree with his last paragraph:
This is what Lippman and Bernays (and their European masters) did to the American people – reprogrammed an entire nation in equally as brutal a fashion as did the US with the Philippines, and the UK with Hong Kong, in this case creating an entire society of deluded, hysterical, and profoundly sick killer-consumers with a totally fictional history. It is probably fair to say that these men had good and fertile material to work with, a composition of the worst features of Christianity, native ignorance, and insatiable greed, but still we need to give credit where credit is due. Americans have always been racist and violent, but it was Lippman and Bernays who turned them into serial killers celebrating their Afghan “bug splats” (1) in the national media. And it was in this fertile and evil soil that American Presidents, Secretaries of State and Defense Secretaries so lushly sprouted into the longest string of sociopathic genocidal killers in history. Democracy never had a chance. 
Oh, I forgot that most Americans don't know their true history as influenced by Bernays and Lippman. Romanoff goes into detail about this history in parts 4 and 5--links to those articles I have provided above.
  • America's Secret Government features Chris Hodges, in a 27:09m of his YouTube channel, interviewing David Talbot, author of The Devil's Chessboard, about the growth of the "secret government" initially under the Dulles brothers (Alan and John Foster Dulles). My commentary follows:
This is a true history of the USA's establishment of a fascist-like cabal of ruling class figures who have attained overwhelming power and established the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire replacing the fascist empire of Nazi Germany. Talbot only gives us a smattering of details of the history of this Deep State (Talbot uses this term at about 21:54m) which has now rewritten history, infiltrated all media corporations, and spread their agents throughout all US institutions and abroad in Europe. 
This very cleverly hidden Deep State has for many years total control over all institutions and government of the USA and most of their Empire of which contemporary activists have only a rudimentary understanding. I have grown up with this development since the end of WWII and became aware of this development following the assassination of the Kennedy brothers and the constant lies fed by our media corporations during the Vietnam War. I have posted many articles warning of this development, the most important and most recent of which is my commentary for this post.
To attain an understanding of this insidious growth of fascism in the USA and the brainwashing you received from every institution, most important of which are schools you attended, you need to read many of the books that I recommended on the right-hand side of this weblog.