Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Tuesday, March 23, 2021

(Sorry for the late posting for Tuesday--I have been preoccupied by personal matters--I thought I had already uploaded it.)
  • A History of Warring on the Homefront by Mickey Huff from Dissident Voice (originally from Project Censored). (Note: I am posting this article/video from Dissident Voice because the latter have conveniently included the film of which this review on the film is based. Also, this is essential reading/viewing for all those fellow Americans who missed the actual history of American working people and were brainwashed by their history classes in the USA.)
  • OPCW Whistle Blowers Debunk Cover-Up & U.S. Propaganda featuring Jimmy Dore interviewing Aaron Maté of The Grayzone what has learned about the disinformation and censorship involved in the ruling class's reporting  of "chemical attacks" in Syria directed by the Assad government from Dore's Rokfin channel (26:22m).  
  • Thoughts On The Iraq Invasion by Caitlin Johnstone, an Australian independent blogger, from her weblog. My reaction: She knows far more than Alfred McCoy, a prominent American historian, does about the mindset of the current American ruling class. Now that the core of the ruling class, combining the resources and wealth of the USA, the British Empire, and international Zionist Jewry, is back under Joe Biden, they intend to resurrect their longstanding project to rule the world (commentary).
  • Dispatches from the Congo: The Truth Behind US Claims of ISIS Presence posted on Internationalist 360° featuring Kambale Musavuli from the Centre of Research on the Congo explaining, in a 21:09m video, how US-backed forces are engaging in massacres on behalf of corrupt political leaders while also covering this in media reports as "fighting terrorism" and protecting "human rights" of local populations. My reaction: Surprise, surprise! (a cynical remark).