Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Wednesday, March 24, 2021

It doesn’t take long to realize that we aren’t having a debate about the science of vaccines. We aren’t debating the authority of the evidence. We are debating the authority of the person. The most ingenious thing the pharmaceutical industry ever did was purchase the majority of the advertising for every network and cable news program. With that grand gesture, the media became little more than a pharmaceutical industry spokesperson, functioning as its mouthpiece of propaganda. The media doesn’t report “science.”
Also, read about the legal victory in Connecticut achieved by the efforts of the Freedom Alliance.
  • Canadian Economist Dispels 4 Myths About Socialism by Steve Lalla from Internationalist 360°. My reaction: Although Canadian political economist Radhika Desai said in a recent interview: "While Desai acknowledged that there were problems that led to famines in Russia and China, she added that the severity and mismanagement of the crises were perhaps exaggerated.", she didn't mention the vigorous subversive and military attacks by the leading capitalist nations on any nation that even considers a move to public ownership of their economy or in any way demonstrates independent policies from the predations of capitalist corporations. Also, she omitted the constant anti-socialist propaganda that people in capitalist countries are subject to.
  • Interview with Vandana Shiva: Bill Gates and the philantro-imperialism. Posted by Pangea, an Italian channel of YouTube in a 26:37m video. (Note: Shiva explains how billionaires and the largest foundations, established by major corporations, have taken control of the world (or the nations of the Empire and much of the United Nations) through their purchase of patents (intellectual property), and the disastrous effects on ordinary people throughout the planet.)
  • “The Lion and the Eagle”: The Interaction of the British and American Empires (1783-1972): A review of Kathleen Burk's book by Jim Miles from Global Research. My reaction: I like to post real history articles because my fellow Americans have been largely fed fake histories in their schooling. Miles corrects some of the mistakes Burk makes to build a sound history of the collaboration of both the British and the American Empires to coalesce in the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire that threatens much of the world today.