Monday, April 26, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Monday, April 26, 2021

... the Gates Foundation, like the MNCs it so closely resembles, seeks to manufacture consent for its activities through the manipulation of public opinion. Happily, not everyone is fooled: popular resistance to the designs of Big Philanthropy is mounting. The struggle is broad-based, ranging from the women activists who exposed the criminal activities of PATH in India, to the anti-sterilization activities of African-American groups like The Rebecca Project, to the anti-vaccine agitations in Pakistan following the revelation that the CIA had used immunization programs as cover for DNA collection. Surely a worldwide campaign to eradicate the toxic philanthropy and infectious propaganda of the Gates Foundation would be in the best traditions of public health.
  • 💥Maturity Is Discovering How Everything You Believe Is A Lie by Caitlin Johnstone from her weblog. This is a best post. My reaction: Her weblog posts are getting more and more philosophical. And, I notice the male narration has a distinctly American accent to it. I also know that Caitlin is married to an American. Doubts creep in about who is running this weblog and how much. Anyway, I very much like their posts because much of them have the clear ring of truth.
  • 💥Xi's Boao Forum Speech And The Messed Up Reporting Around It by Bernhard, an independent German blogger, from his weblog Moon of Alabama. This is a best post. (Note: If this interests you, you may also be interested in Jimmy Dore's 9:42m reaction.) My reaction: I gave this as a best post because I think it represents all major news agencies in the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. Reuters is more fundamental than major media corporations because it determines news coverage that media corporations distribute to their customers. Bernhard leaves a very cogent summary:
The Reuters piece about Xi's speech at Boao is framed with a 'western' mindset and colored by 'western' hegemonic ideology. It leaves out the essence of the speech then adds bits that make the reader assume that the high level international event is a solely Chinese one, thereby disturbing its context.

It does not inform but propagandizes.
  • Union Labor’s Great Detour: 1947 to 2021 featuring Jack Rasmus regarding an accurate history of the labor movement (in an audio format lasting nearly an hour) since the 1930s beginning with the Wagner Act. (Note: This was during the late industrial capitalist phase of capitalism much-touted by Prof. Michael Hudson, son of Trotskyist parents.) My reaction: Hudson's parents must be "rolling in their graves"--(def.).
  • The Billionaires Who Couldn’t Kick Straight by Sam Pizzigati from CounterPunch. My reaction: Even the culture of capitalism has spread to sports in Europe after first corrupting it in the USA and Britain, the two main organizers of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. Could one expect otherwise?
So the future of global football’s ecosystem remains perilous. In a world where wealth keeps concentrating at ferocious rates, the sport’s more egalitarian traditions will always be at risk. We can’t expect free and fair sports, in other words, as long as billionaires in search of playthings and profits still walk the Earth.
  • Visions of the Future featuring James Corbet (57:25m) from his weblog, The Corbett Report, pointing to what will happen in the future as reported by our masters in the transnational capitalist class, or in Corbett's words, the "would-be controllers of the world" have planned for us.
  • A History of the CIA in Congo by T.J. Coles from CounterPunch. The ruling class's CIA has figured to release their heavily redacted documents to the public because they no longer fear a backlash from them. Coles documented his report primarily on released CIA documents in the early 2000s; the last was released in 03/09/2012. I counted 13 such documents (not counting the CIA's historian written with comprehensive disclaimers). The CIA lies beyond the official government facade that was created by the early Founding Fathers who feared democratic rule. (See my commentary here.) You see, the public won't believe that the same operations are conducted today by this very secretive service accountable to no one but the ruling capitalist class.