Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Tuesday, April 27, 2021 (abbreviated post)

The most important axiom for understanding how the U.S. corporate media functions is that there is never accountability for those who serve as propagandists for the U.S. security state. The opposite is true: the more aggressively and recklessly you spread CIA narratives or pro-war manipulation, the more rewarded you will be in that world.
That is why sociopaths perform so well for their masters--people like Jeffrey Epstein and his pals in the ruling class. They follow the Margaret Thatcher amoral principle, you know, "there is no such thing as society, there are only individuals and their families". That is why they had to kill Epstein. That is why drug corporations are making billions of dollars off vaccines which they cannot be sued due to any damages or deaths. 
  • The Day The World Ended by Caitlin Johnstone, an Australian independent blogger from her weblog. My reaction: I often imagine this event.
  • A Tightening Circle of Replacement Politics by Alastair Crooke from Strategic Culture Foundation. (Note: You will need to know what "Fifth-generation warfare" means.) My reaction: Crooke describes the directors of the ruling class as inconsistent in their pursuance of policies. It could be an expression of desperation or a designed "replacement politics" to further manipulate ordinary Americans? Who knows? But if I were a betting man, I would place my money on the latter. The directors of the ruling capitalist class, who really run our government, have long been practicing 5th generation war on ordinary Americans, and out of habit they are doing it again--but at an accelerated pace wrapping themselves in virtue: adopting minority causes and "cancelling culture" of their adversaries. But it's all fakery!