Saturday, May 1, 2021

Update for Saturday, May 1, 2021

Update on my note of April 11, 2021:

As you can see, if you are steady followers of my website, I have been able to follow my old schedule following my loss of balance around April 1. I will continue to follow this old schedule with interruptions due to medical and dental appointments which in the future I expect to interfere with my daily routine. I've been taking most Saturdays off from this routine to catch up on tasks from my daily life. This will continue. And, I will take days off when I simply don't feel well enough to review and post entries that I consider very significant. Thus, in the future, you can expect more frequent interruptions in the daily posts of recommended articles.

Briefly regarding my health, I've recovered about 75% of my physical balance, and I notice that I tire rather sooner than before when I engage in routine activities. This is to be expected as I approach 85 years of age.