Sunday, May 2, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Sunday, May 2, 2021

  • Biggest Cover-Up Since Iraq Exposed by Journalist Aaron Maté and featuring Jimmy Dore,  exposing the lies related to the coverup of the official OPCW investigation of chemical weapons used by the Syrian government against their own people. (Note: Aaron Maté has especially devoted lot of work in uncovering this major censorship story. Read this, this, and this for starters, only a part of which I posted many articles on my website.) My reaction: the concentration of ownership of corporations of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire has gone on so long that the CIA and other secretive "intelligence" agencies have over the past 75 years completely turned US, other foreign media corporations, and even some UN agencies toward serving the agenda of world conquest by the Empire. This is understandable when you've seen Bill Gates, as a top funder of the UN's World Health Organization (notice how this is reported in US media corporations--often their reporting is only listed by governments.), overwhelmingly adopt measures advocated by Gates with the latter billionaire influencing the coverage of international media corporations.
  • 💥Brave New Cancel Culture World by Pepe Escobar from "The Saker" weblog. This is a best post. (Note: You should be familiar with the terms "woke revolution" (see this and this) and "cancel culture" (see this and this).) My reaction: I commonly consider the first term as meaning "to wrap yourself in virtue" which implies a fake ethical position, and a corollary of that is "cancel culture" which is used to mean that you don't have to listen to anybody if they offend you, and in order to justify censorship or the allegation of "fake news). The ruling class uses the latter term to shame those they consider "anti-vaxxers", to justify the denial for such people to access to private and public services, and to censor opinions that differ from what the ruling class approves. I consider both terms to be useful for the ruling class to justify their policies of self-serving virtue and intolerance of those opposing their diktats (def.).