Thursday, May 20, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Thursday, May 20, 2021

  • New Eastern Outlook: "Account was disabled or suspended by server administrator". I got this message this morning while trying to access this website. The ruling capitalist class is intent on narrowing the information and opinions you receive in order to better control you. They are afraid of you. They will do this as long as you remain quiet and remain "good Germans". 
A similar thing has happened to CGTN, China's major online news website. Although you can now access the website, you can't read any of the articles.
  • James Corbett on the Human Extinction Event featuring Corbett reporting his views on the coming attacks on our present systems on the way to the Great Reset, the grandiose plan by transnational billionaire capitalists, in a 57-minute interview from his weblog The Corbett Report. My reaction: Did you notice that sometime in the interview, Corbett uses the verboten words "ruling class"?