Friday, May 21, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Friday, May 21, 2021

  • The Skew in Science That Feeds US EPA Regulation by S. Stanley Young and Warren Kindzierski from American Institute for Economic Research. (Note: John Ioannidis in the first paragraph is a top Stanford epidemiologist. Use my search engines to find out more about him.) My reaction: Science is skewed to favor the billionaire ruling class who are addicted to power and profits. They rule, and we suffer.
  • Wearable “Solutions” and the Internet of Incarceration by Jeremy Loffredo from Unlimited Hangout. My reaction: As technology, controlled by capitalists, discover more and more methods of population control and tracking you, you can expect that the methods will be designed for the greater panopticon (under the "Great Reset") to ensure the ruling class's access to profit and power. Of course, technology is neutral, but the way it is used can give the ruling billionaire class more power and control over you while amassing wealth for themselves. Everything about the capitalist system impels them to use technology in this way. Or it can be used to enhance and protect your health and welfare. Which do you see it used for under the current system?
  • New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato featuring the latest discussion (27:20m) by Corbett and Pilato regarding three subjects: 1) AT&T In ‘Advanced’ Talks To Combine HBO, CNN, Discovery And Other Media Assets; 2) Palestinians Stage Historic Strike Over Israeli Abuses, Gaza Bombing; 3) OSHA Tells Employers They May Be Liable For Adverse Reactions’ Over Vax Mandate from The Corbett Report.
  • 💥Propaganda and the Media — Part 3 – Establishing and Controlling the Narrative by Larry Romanoff from "The Saker Blog". This is a best post. The article represents a sophisticated exposure of the concentration of ownership (and wealth) occurring since WWII that has shaped mainstream news that most Americans follow. Because the latter have not been conscious of this concentration of wealth (mainstream media have long hidden information related to this fact), they have been so filled with propaganda that has served the wealthy instead of serving their own interests.
I stated earlier that the US media function as the microphone of the US State Department, full partners in scripting propaganda campaigns to achieve foreign policy objectives. But it is crucial to understand that the Americans are not leading these international geo-political, social, and moral assaults. They are merely functioning as the Bankers’ Private Army to accomplish the objectives of a group of European-UK elites who are always in the shadows and led by one who ... is “he who must not be named”.
I have described the slow and deliberate rise of fascist-capitalists and a summary of their efforts to groom the American population for their project to construct the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire since WWII.
  • Peasant mobilizations against backdrop of agrarian crisis by Sushovan Dhar from International Viewpoint. (Note: I need to magnify the text in order to read it, but if that doesn't help, you can read the article in its secondary source from CDTM.) My reaction: This is profoundly relevant for people who want to become informed about the farmer's massive protests against the government of India and their recent agricultural "reforms". Otherwise this post may interest you because it seems that the transnational capitalist frequently tests out their self-serving plans in foreign countries before they implement them here in the USA, the center of the reality of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire.
The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Act allows farmers to sell their products outside the mandis (markets) of the Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) without paying taxes. The Farmers (Empowerment and Protection) Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act allows farmers to sell their future products to agri-food companies at a predetermined price, and the Essential Commodities (Amendment) Act eases the centre’s control over the production and sale of agricultural products.

The Indian government wants us to believe that these laws are a decisive moment for Indian agriculture because they free farmers from the influence of intermediaries. But farmers’ organizations see it as a measure that increases the level of participation of private companies. There are two concerns about the laws. First, their content is seen as a threat to small and marginal farmers. Second, the haste with which they were passed in parliament is seen as a threat by states and regional parties. Let’s examine why the laws have met with strong opposition from farmers’ associations, opposition political parties and state governments ....

  • Explained: Burke et al. 2018 featuring Prof. (retired) Guy McPherson, an independent scientist who has for many years focused on the climate crisis--from his YouTube channel (01:50m).