Monday, June 21, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Monday, June 21, 2021 (Very abbreviated post, but there will be additions if I am able)

  • 💥Jawing about Covid-19’n Stuff with Chris Martenson, and interview (approx. 1 hr) conducted by James Kunster from his weblog with Martenson, PhD, who has been following the Covid pandemic for some time. This is a best post. (Note: My thanks go to an activist for this post.)
  • 💥Biden’s Two-Step Geneva Waltz Simply Buys Him Space by Alastair Crooke from Strategic Culture Foundation. This is a best post. My reaction: Crooke is a top-notch British geo-political analyst (he worked in MI-6, the CIA counterpart in Britain, for a number of years.) After he explains the title of this article, you must learn what is the meaning of terms like "Project 1619", "Critical Race Theory", and "woke" that are in his article. The ruling class are using sub-ideologies (think sophisticated psy-ops) along with the use of the Democratic Party as a major shift of strategy for their domination of American society. 
          I especially liked this paragraph:
The ’emergency powers’ have ended too soon for the likes of the Davos élites: COVID lockdown was weaponised both to be disruptive – and concomitantly, to speed Trump’s ouster. But it was also always intended by the Re-set ‘crowd’ to be the bridge to span the gap between the immediate dispensation of the COVID emergency, and stage two – that of the Global Climate Crisis ‘emergency’ (which also would likely require ‘climate lockdowns’, we are told). These were the disruptive events (the deus ex machina), that would be used to legitimise global monetary governance and the ushering in of a truly radical ‘overhaul of our economic structures, and doing capitalism differently’. 
I am skeptical that the ruling-class operatives will use "climate lockdowns', but I would not  be surprised if they used some other ploy like a cyber attack to disrupt the functioning of the US society and instill a climate of fear in order to install some of their major features of the "Great Reset". I sense a feeling of desperation among our masters in the ruling class.
  • Assange Is Still in Jail by Craig Murray, a Scotsman, from his weblog. (Note: Watch especially the video that features Russell Brand, a British comedian, who has become a serious analyst of important issues much like the American C. J. Hopkins.)