Friday, June 25, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Friday, June 25, 2021

  • The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or a Huge Mistake? by Chris Martenson, from his weblog Peak Prosperity, that features an interview with Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche (via YouTube--29:13m), a top expert on vaccines, with extensive clarifying and other comments by Martenson interjected into the interview. Other experts are losing careers after voicing concerns about the new "vaccines" as reported in this article.
  • A “Leap” toward Humanity’s Destruction by Whitney Webb from her weblog Unlimited Hangout. (Note: Webb recognizes that AI, as used by the ruling class, is set to incorporate the worst aspects of high tech to serve the Great Reset's objectives. Thus, Webb's extensive research focuses on one of the main suspects: "The world’s richest medical research foundation, the Wellcome Trust" and its projects and characters, and its connections with DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency).) Here are excerpts from the article:
... the Wellcome Trust has too many ties to corrupt actors in the pharmaceutical industry, having originally begun as the “philanthropic” arm of UK drug giant GlaxoSmithKline, for anyone to trust what they are producing without actual independent confirmation, given the histories of some of their partners in fudging both animal and human clinical trial data for vaccines and other products.
And referring to the Wellcome Trust, she writes ...
It should be clear how sinister it is that an organization that brings together the worst “mad scientist” impulses of both the NGO and military-research worlds is openly planning to conduct such experiments on the brains of babies and toddlers, viewing them as datasets and their brains as something to be “pruned” by machine “intelligence.” Allowing such a program to advance unimpeded without pushback from the public would mean permitting a dangerous agenda targeting society’s youngest and most vulnerable members to potentially advance to a point where it is difficult to stop.
 And ... 
The over-riding question is: Will we allow ourselves to continue to be manipulated into allowing transhumanism and eugenics to be openly pursued and normalized, including through initiatives like those of Wellcome Leap [a project of the Wellcome Trust] that seek to use babies and toddlers as test subjects to advance their nightmarish vision for humanity? If well-crafted advertising slogans and media campaigns painting visions of utopia such as “a world without disease” are all that is needed to convince us to give up our future and our children’s future to military operatives, corporate executives, and eugenicists, then there is little left of our humanity to surrender.
  • Follow The Science on PSYOPS to Understand the Enslavement of Humanity by David DeGraw from his weblog In Defense of Humanity on Substack. My reaction: I equate corporate media with psy-ops. Notice the latter link to a definition that specifies an "adversary". Workers, whether American or some other nationality, are all adversaries. Thus, American workers are the enemy of the ruling transnational capitalists and their US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. Corporate media use psy-ops as a weapon to create fear and dissension among the general population which consists of mainly workers.
I don't recommend this lengthy article to those of you who already see that the US ruling class has switched their fake support behind what were formerly minority and gender supporters and now embraces them. It would be a complete waste of your time, and I know your time is valuable. People like Nathan Robinson of the Current Affairs magazine are totally fooled by this switch in strategy. 
Robinson looks at this switch as representing reality, and he doesn't see the fakery of it all, or the mere change of strategy that the completely amoral ruling class sees as useful in dividing the left and confusing most ordinary Americans so that they can pursue their profits and power.
Because the ruling class has recognized that highly trained and educated Americans, on which they largely depend, are mostly supporting the agendas of gender and minority populations, they have switched their propaganda in support of these populations. Notice I wrote "propaganda" and not real political support. Robinson completely falls for this trick by attacking Greenwald and Matt Taibbi in their pursuit of truth wherever they find it.
  • US Seizes News Websites! featuring Lee Camp from his YouTube channel (27:28m) going on a rant about "our" government banning websites, essentially practicing censorship from any source that is critical of the interests (profits and power) of the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. (Note: If you wish to read a more sophisticated take of this type of censorship, you may need to read this article from the "Saker Blog".)