Thursday, June 24, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Thursday, June 24, 2021

  • What is Biden’s “Build Back Better World” (B3W)? by Brian Berletic from his weblog Land Destroyer Report. (Note: I am posting this from Land Destroyer Report instead of New Eastern Outlook because the former includes a 5:45m video featuring Berletic who summarizes much of the post's script.) My reaction: Berletic convincingly argues that competing US version competing with China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) are simply what the USA under the capitalist directorate does best: propaganda ploys designed to divide and subvert nations who have subscribed to BRI. Where China actually builds infrastructure the USA talks its empty propaganda spiels expecting to hold on to its domination of the world. I think this is a worn-out strategy that only continues to work effectively within the USA, and it is only a matter of time when most Americans wake up.
  • ‘Rules-Based International Order’ Means Washington-Based International Order by Australian Caitlin Johnstone with her American husband also reading the script--from her weblog. My reaction: Because the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire continues to impose its diminishing domination on the rest of the world, we can expect more grievous crimes to continue for some time. We can only hope that the Empire's core ruling class will become too desperate to hang on to their diminishing power that they will do something desperate like start a nuclear war.
  • Tools of destabilisation – mainstream media propaganda by Vanessa Beeley from her weblog The Wall Will Fall
    Beeley concludes her essay after providing much evidence with this statement:
    Corporate media is a criminal entity with zero integrity with the exception of a small number of journalists within the machine who have not completely sold out. It operates to protect power and to start and maintain wars. It is more than state media, it is a homogenized narrative management cartel, offering PR for war and whitewashing terrorism. Its information monopoly is currently under attack from independent media and Resistance bloc media which is why we are seeing the closure of channels, mass censorship and fascist silencing of dissent. 
  • 💥Losing Finders: The Buried Documents that Linked the Infamous Cult to the CIA [part 2] by Elizabeth Vos from Mint Press News. This is a best post. (Note: Vos promises more articles in the future.) My reaction: Both Vos and Whitney Webb are hot on the research trail to uncover the realities behind the growing evidence since 1986 of a coverup of Epstein-related crimes of child sex trafficking.
WASHINGTON — Concerning the Finders cult — the elusive Washington, D.C.-based outfit whose antics and ties we began examining in Part 1 of this series — one set of documents in particular held the most explosive allegations made against the group and against the CIA for allegedly covering the story up. Despite their contents, almost no corporate press ever quoted from these documents or addressed the concerns they raise. This article will attempt to remedy that deficit of coverage by fully exploring what the documents have to say. 
Later, she writes:
This piece will examine the three publicly available Customs Service documents, summarizing both the narrative and allegations they contain in context. Subsequent articles will evaluate specific aspects of Martinez’s allegations in greater depth. It should be noted that the first report in the Customs documents is five days older than the second report in the collection. Nonetheless, we will examine the documents in the order presented in the records available. 
And, Vos concludes:
Although FBI Vault documents refute the claim that the MPD case file on the Finders was labeled secret, Martinez never alleged that every document had been classified; he stated that he was told “the MPD report has been classified secret and was not available for review.” It is in fact true, as seen in the MPD reports included in the FBI Vault publication, that MPD synopses and critical reports of the case are indeed labeled “Secret.” Again, this corroborates Martinez and undercuts the established narrative of the Finders story, adding weight to the scale in favor of Martinez’s honest recording of what he witnessed. To the obvious point: why label such reports secret, then lie about it, if no evidence of criminal activity or an intelligence-led cover-up existed?  [My emphasis]
Wait! Doesn't this contradict Rasmus's arguments that there is no inflation above the ordinary? Perhaps the Federal Reserve, an integral financial institution of the ruling class, is printing and lending money to banks at very low interest rates in order to drive up inflation of major purchases such as homes and autos, and in turn, the banks supply low-cost loans to purchasers incentivizing such purchases. This follows the theme of the Great Reset: "You'll own nothing, and you'll be happy". Ordinary purchases of food, clothing, etc. won't be significantly affected by this practice which Jack Rasmus referred to.
Then when everyone is deeply indebted to the banks, the ruling class will simply cancel all such debts and transfer the ownership (and control) to banks that are owned by the capitalist ruling class.
  • Our Dying Oceans featuring climate scientist Paul Beckwith reporting on the threats posed by the heating of the oceans and carbon dioxide from the Facing Future channel on YouTube (31:07m).