Saturday, July 10, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Saturday, July 10, 2021

In a modern society freedom of speech cannot be absolute. Defamation, personal, racial, gender and other insults are inadmissible. There are courts that are supposed to protect the rights of those offended, but no one can deprive a person of the right to express his or her opinion on such issues as illegal migration, the destruction of the education system, the tax system or when heterosexuals serve in the army alongside representatives of sexual minorities. Or maybe already can? In the midst of the pandemic, freedom of speech has become lopsided – the “cancellation culture” has led to calls for violence against members of the successful middle class, who in turn are no longer able to raise their voice in defense of their rights. What is even more outrageous is that this was done to please the old political elites … mostly white and very wealthy. [my emphasis]

My reaction: The ruling billionaire class has cynically switched to using the Democratic Party for their fake new support of sexual and racial minorities. I argue "fake" because they are using high-tech industry personnel many of whom are college graduates who they have discovered support these minorities. And, what better way exists to back a traditional worker-identified political party to win support from ordinary Americans who don't follow politics much (maybe once every four years and mostly subject to political commercials)? Our ruling sociopathic masters will use any device to manipulate the minds of the public. And now that they control all media corporations, they use censorship and manipulation of the news to control what Americans think.
  • How China Is Conquering The World Now by Neenah Payne from Activist Post. (Warning: This article contains much information about China's infrastructure. It will take you some time to digest all, but it is important.)
  • Say hello to the diplo-Taliban by Pepe Escobar from "The Saker" weblog. Escobar states the following: "Deploying diplomatic skills refined from Doha to Moscow, the Taliban in 2021 has little to do with its 2001 incarnation". 
"... nothing is off the table for Washington when it comes to derailing BRI. Crucial silos scattered across the deep state must be already at work replacing a forever war in Afghanistan with hybrid war, Syria-style." And he warns us by stating "Fasten your seat belts: It’s gonna be a bumpy ride."
My reaction: Escobar is one of the best independent journalists and geopolitical analysts in the world today.