Monday, July 12, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Monday, July 12, 2021

  • The War on Freedom: How Tyranny Overran the United States by Emanuel Pastreich from Global Research. (Note: I noticed one typo-error in this article: "Most citizens were hardly aware that having one corporation control the system software for all computers that they supposedly “owed” meant that they had lost their freedom." I think he meant "owned" instead of "owed".)
The totalitarianism that we face is “inverted” in the sense that we expect some dictator standing on top and playing the bad buy, oppressing us out of personal greed, vanity or cruelty. But the true source of our misery is rather the manner in which multinational corporations use supercomputers to calculate profits and then extract as much money as possible from us by making it impossible for us to grow our own food, to heal our own illnesses, to teach ourselves, or to entertain ourselves. Instead, we must buy products, online, or in supermarkets, in transactions from which multinational corporations and banks will invariably take a major cut. The only learning that is recognized and accredited is expensive and is controlled by corporations. 
The problem with this writer, who is an old-fashioned conservative from the Reagan administration, is that he is a misfit in the neoliberal world. Although Reagan brought in a number of Zionist-inspired neoliberals (= "neoconservatives") in his administration, he goofed on Roberts. What Roberts doesn't understand is that a right-wing cabal lodged in the State Department waited until the Allies won WWII to emerge after the war to take control of the government (see my commentaries here and here). He mistakenly blames government agencies for this: 
Open works in process like Wikipedia, Internet comment sections and social media are ideally suited for smearing people and broadcasting the smears worldwide prior to any correction of them. Thus, the digital revolution has been a godsend to government agencies such as the CIA, State Department, Mossad, the Israel Lobby, corporations and other private interest groups, ideological movements such as neoconservatism and Identity Politics, and politicians, all of whom have agendas that are furthered by controlling the explanations. 
Roberts consistently doesn't acknowledge a Deep State made up of right-wing financiers and major corporation heads as taking over both the government and the informal government of the ruling class of capitalists. However, he recognizes, unlike most Americans, that Wikipedia has been corrupted and the likely suspects who are obviously now using the Democratic Party as a front organization. 
Anything political entries on Wikipedia have been distorted by agents of the transnational ruling class of the de-facto US/Anglo/Zionist Empire. I still use other posts from that website for other topics because they haven't been distorted. Who knows what agents do this dirty work, but I've in the past identified several sources including AI. Who knows what other sources are available to the ruling class? Be sure to see my post of Dec. 19, 2020 and commentary here (it is the second from the top).
  • Biden is Arming Al-Queda Again (I've got the Receipts!) by Syrian Girl, who is currently living in Australia, from her channel on YouTube (10:02m) (Note: You should disregard the initial warning by clicking on "I understand and wish to proceed" to view the podcast.) My reaction: I've noticed in the past several weeks that YouTube is decreasing their ban or censor posts, but is giving you more access to them or instead issuing warnings. I've often wondered about this change of policy. Could it be that censorship has backfired, or no longer desired because most people obey such warnings? Possibly the ruling capitalist class no longer needs censorship to dominate views that are broadcast on media corporations which are most effective in inculcating their fake views for most people of what is reality in the world. The latter worries me most of all.