Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Note: Yesterday I watched on TV the tennis matches at the US Open after I completed my posts. I realized how much I enjoyed watching tennis matches by expert players. So, I decided to wait until the 13th of September to take off on my road trips east from my home in southern Minnesota. I will go as far as New York state and possibly up into Vermont. I won't patronize any businesses that require papers to prove that I have been vaccinated because I haven't been. Thus, I can't visit people in Nova Scotia and I won't go to New York City because authorities there require proof of vaccination.

I could use more volunteers of regular readers of my website to meet along the way eastward. Hopefully, more will respond (goatmeal36@yahoo.com) before the 13th of September. I want to meet some of my regular readers over coffee, tea, or beer to get acquainted with them.

There are many unanswered question in this twisted tale of corruption at FDA and Pfizer. Was this theater rushed through by the Biden Administration to accelerate the forced vaccination of millions of Americans uncertain or skeptical of taking an emergency or experimental jab? Why is there such an incredible pressure from mainstream media and politicians to vaccinate every man, woman and now child in the US? Are the vaccines really safe if there are so many dire cases of adverse events after the Pfizer jab? Why did the FD refuse to allow its independent vaccine committee to weigh in?

It is worth noting that as of August 14 Pfizer does not mandate vaccines for its own employees. Also the Biden White House does not mandate vaccines for its staff. These are all serious issues that demand serious and honest answers. 
  • Don't Trust Big Pharma? WATCH THIS!!! featuring Russell Brand, a British comedian's take on the lawsuit against a major pharmaceutical corporation that was caught promoting OxyContin--via his channel on YouTube (15:43m).
  • How The Media Is Creating A Sensemaking Crisis by Joe Martino from The Pulse. (Note: Be sure to watch the 20:56m video at the bottom of the page.) My reaction: Because so many government officials both here in the USA and across the globe are acting to suppress and censor all information coming from highly educated experts, and likewise actively encouraging their agenda of requiring all people to have this new vaccine injected into their bodies and other questionable practices, is it any wonder that people all over the world: 1) are resisting their authorities? 2) are wondering about people who are effectively coerced into the monolithic promotion of these new vaccines via billionaire-owned media by powerful people who may have a well-hidden self-serving agenda of their own, and 3) professional and governmental authorities who pressure recalcitrant medical doctors by removing their license to practice and offering bribes to hospitals that financially encourage them to list Covid-19 as the reason for hospitalizations and deaths?
Just as we swallowed in 2001 the ruling class self-serving propaganda about nation-building or the guardians of Afghan women, we in the USA are "played" by all the other propaganda spewed constantly by ruling class corporate media. But the reality was:
The flaw was that Afghanistan as a liberal progressive vision was a hoax in the first place: Afghanistan was invaded, and occupied, because of its geography. It was the ideal platform from which to perturb Central Asia, and thus unsettle Russia and China.
US troops at Kabul airport were in a panic after the sudden terrorist attacks. At that moment, everyone looked like a terrorist to them. This might be a reason they had indiscriminately pulled the trigger to kill. Yet the US military should at least tell the truth and should have made best efforts to prevent the indiscriminate killing of innocents due to personnel's psychological vulnerability in such a chaotic scenario.