Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Note: Yesterday I watched on TV the tennis matches at the US Open after I completed my posts. I realized how much I enjoyed watching tennis matches by expert players. So, I decided to wait until the 13th of September to take off on my road trips east from my home in southern Minnesota. I will go as far as New York state and possibly up into Vermont. I won't patronize any businesses that require papers to prove that I have been vaccinated because I haven't been. Thus, I can't visit people in Nova Scotia and I won't go to New York City because authorities there require proof of vaccination.

I could use more volunteers of regular readers of my website to meet along the way eastward. Hopefully, more will respond ( before the 13th of September. I want to meet some of my regular readers over coffee, tea, or beer to get acquainted with them. 

  • The Internet of Bodies: Have you been upgraded? from the channel of Observation Deck of YouTube (20:54m). My reaction: While listening to this video, it is best to keep in mind that technology can be used for good or evil. But how do you think our capitalist masters will use it?
  • Afghanistan: Same, Same; Again, Again by Patrick Armstrong from Strategic Culture Foundation. My reaction: But they (the directors of the de-facto US/Anglo/Zionist Empire) can't help it when they are addicted to the pursuit of their drugs of wealth and power. It is no wonder that they constantly lie to us like all addicts. It is up to us whether we keep on supporting their system of capitalism which supplies them with these drugs.
... now we have absolute, definitive proof that Snowden never intended to stay in Russia but was deliberately prevented from leaving by the same Obama officials who exploited the predicament which they created. The proof was supplied unintentionally in the memoir of one of Obama's senior national security advisers, Ben Rhodes, entitled The World as It Is: A Memoir of the Obama White House. It is hard to overstate how ... Rhodes’ own book proves that Obama officials generally, and Rhodes specifically, lied blatantly and cavalierly to the public about what happened: a level of sustained and conscious lying that can be explained only by sociopathy. 
Later on, Greenwald supplies the details provided by Rhodes' book and memoir about how he and other Obama officials prevented Snowden from leaving the Moscow airport and constantly lied about it.
In other words, Rhodes — who has spent years insinuating that Snowden is a Russian spy and traitor given his "choice” to flee to Russia — knew in real time that Snowden never planned to stay even one day in Russia. He had only flown to Moscow from Hong Kong with the intent to immediately fly from Moscow to Havana, and then on to either Ecuador or Bolivia to obtain asylum. Prior to landing in Moscow, Snowden and his representatives had secured a commitment from the Cuban government to allow him safe passage through Havana on his way to South America.
The only reason Snowden is in Russia is because of the actions of Rhodes and his fellow Obama officials to deliberately trap him there: ....
This bit of anti-Stalinist and anti-fascist history doesn't tell the whole story, but it accurately covers a lot of it. What I want to emphasize is my firm conviction that the underlying and existing anti-Jew sentiment most widely prevalent in Europe was exploited by the capitalist cabal in the US State Department that wanted to build their own empire to replace the aspiring German Reich (Empire) by hooking up with the existing British Empire and destroying the nascent German Reich. After reading thoroughly the real history of this period (in contrast with the revised history written by career-oriented historians since WWII), I reported a summary of the real history of WWII in this post .

The early Nazis in Germany consciously, or frequently unconsciously, exploited this existing anti-Jewish theme. But when the capitalist sector of Germany along with the strong encouragement from the Western capitalist countries took over the Nazi party (this was when the "Brown Shirts" were replaced by the capitalist-supported "black shirts" of the SS). The Western capitalists, who were viscerally opposed to the Russian Revolution, solidly promoted the Nazi party to takeover the German government and head eastward to finally crush the anti-capitalist and Stalinist Soviet government. The capitalist-backed new Nazi party continued the anti-Jewish theme because of the following reasons: the leaders of the Russian Revolution of 1917 were largely Jewish revolutionaries, and the existing anti-Jewish sentiment among ordinary Germans reinforced the appeal to some anti-Jewish Western capitalists. For propaganda purposes and labor shortages after WWII began, the Nazi leaders continued the existing anti-Jewish theme to exploit Jewish labor in the production of war materials. 
Hence, the right-wing (capitalist) Jewish Zionists exaggerated the exploitation of "antisemitism" ever since then in order to establish their apartheid European colony in Palestine, and later to become an integral member of the de-facto US/Anglo/Zionist Empire.

WWII was really fought by the British and their American allies to preserve the capitalist system and what was left of the British Empire, but they ultimately needed the Soviet Union to accomplish this in WWII. However, the history of this period has been re-written by propaganda hacks hired by the subversive cabal lodged in the State Department and Wall Street and their fake history has been subsequently taught in US schools, media, and Hollywood films. Most Americans and many others have no idea of the real history of this period. This project was intentionally undertaken after WWII to prepare Americans and others throughout the de-facto US/Anglo/Zionist Empire for the Cold War against the Soviet Union and their bureaucratically controlled anti-capitalist type of economy, and to build a capitalist empire of their own in place of the Nazi's Third Reich.