We’ve lived so long under the spell of hierarchy—from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses—that only recently have we awakened to see not only that “regular” citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high.
—Frances Moore Lappé, excerpt from Time for Progressives to Grow Up

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Posts that I especially recommend for Tuesday, March 8, 2022

  • They Tell You That We Are Nazis… by Andrei Raevsky ("The Saker") from his weblog The Saker (12:51). (Note: I must give credit to another west coast activist for this post.) My reaction: Something that corporate media always fails to tell you.
  • Revenge of the Putin-Nazis! by CJ Hopkins from his weblog Consent Factory, Inc. (Note: Hopkins uses parody to ridicule the reports put out by media corporations on the Ukraine crisis.)
  • Does Germany Support the Nazi Regime in Kiev? by Vladimir Odintsov from New Eastern Outlook. My reaction: In the future, I will search German articles on this subject. Because I want to see if the Empire's strategy is working, that is, if the strategy to keep Europe from economic ties with Russia (particularly the German approval for Nord-Stream 2) by forcing Russians (a la Mike Whitney) to invade Ukraine due to NATO's encroachment on Russia and Neo-Nazis on their border is working or not. I will investigate whether translation software is reliable and efficient to translate articles from German to English. This post may be premature in its suggestion that Germans and Europeans are influenced by anti-Russian attitudes by this strategy. But it may be valid to test the temperature at this point in time, but the future may demonstrate far more changes.
I share Johnstone's thoughts about censorship by the Australian government. This practice bears a striking resemblance to the alternative views of top experts (always censored) regarding the "pandemic" by the ruling class of Australia which is, after all, an integral part of the de-facto US/British/Zionist (transnational capitalist) Empire. 
But, I do not share her view that the "special operation" of the invasion of Russian forces is unjustified. Russia was deliberately forced to intervene in Ukraine to de-Nazify Ukraine by the continuing harassment by the Nazi regime installed by the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire, the encroachment of NATO bases next to their borders, and Russia's memory of WWII when Nazi forces invaded Russia when the latter suffered around 30 million dead and nearly destroyed Russia. That is why the US government had correctly forecast the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Because of these threats and the ignoring of Russia's security demands, the US's so-called "intelligence" agencies knew that Russia had to invade Ukraine. 
My views correspond with Eugene Puryear and Brian Becker (1:12:18).
  • The American Empire self-destructs. But nobody thought that it would happen this fast by Michael Hudson from CounterPunch. My reaction: This is because the directors of the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire are desperate. They are seeing the rise of China in collusion with Russia, their efforts to de-dollarize the world, the defeats in Syria and Afghanistan, and many economic problems pointing to the end of their Empire. And, above all, they see this containment of Europe as a crucible (def. #3) that determines the fate of their Empire.
  • Ukraine, It Was All Written in the Rand Corp Plan by Manlio Dinucci from Global Research. My reaction: Our foreign policies are determined by the Rand Corporation than the policies written by our official government. This is another symptom of the fakery of the "democracy" that the ruling capitalist class likes to promote in the propaganda broadcasts by their media corporations. Media corporations, like all other institutions, are owned and controlled by the ruling billionaire class and they see to it that such corporations are the agents of propaganda much more than the "news". The only exceptions are weather reports and related subjects. Most of the "news" coverage is only what they want you to believe for their self-serving interests.