The folks at GloboCap are no fools. They know they can’t remake the world into one big happy neo-feudal marketplace without breaking a few proverbial eggs … and not just in those “terrorist” countries, but everywhere, throughout the global capitalist empire. And that is exactly what they intend to do. So, they needed a new official narrative to justify all the broken eggs.
They haven’t settled on an official slogan yet. “The New Normal,” “The Great Reset,” “The Green New Deal” … they’re all just trial balloons at this point. It doesn’t really matter what they call it. It amounts to a new type of totalitarianism. As I noted in my previous column, “[i]t isn’t national totalitarianism, because we’re living in a global capitalist empire, which isn’t ruled by nation-states, but rather, by supranational entities and the global capitalist system itself.” But it is totalitarianism nonetheless.
- How Big Tech seduced the Left by Geoff Shullenberger from Unherd (a website based in Britain). My reaction: The author largely doesn't offer an argument as "to how" this development took hold in America. I think it was accomplished to a considerable extent by fear campaigns in recent times such as 9/11, the War of Terrorism, and finally the covid-19 "pandemic". Digital technology like technology in general can be used to the benefit of humans or their enslavement. Under advanced capitalism, otherwise known as fascism, it is the latter which is implemented.
Note: The following three articles illustrates that government agencies do not have your interests in mind when they formulate public policies that are based on scientific research. Rather they serve solely the interests of corporations. This is another characteristic of advanced capitalism.