- Supreme Court Rulings on Vaccine Mandates Left ‘Big Questions’ Unanswered by Toby Rogers, Ph.D. from his weblog on Substack and republished on Children's Health Defense.
- Saying No: The Winter of My Non-Consent by Claire O’Driscoll from Off-Guardian.
- Corporate Assault on US Postal Service features an interview with author Christopher W. Shaw conducted by Chris Hedges from RT America's channel on YouTube (26:04).
- Think New GMO Food Labeling Law Will Help You Avoid GMOs? Think Again. By Dave Dickey from Children's Health Defense.
- The ‘Race To The Bottom’ Trap: Why Companies Produce Low Quality Products by Joe Martino from The Pulse. My reaction: After describing the system of capitalism, Martino writes:
Wholesale discussion around redesigning society is where we are at. As someone who has been thinking about this for almost 20 years, it’s exciting to see how many people around the world are embracing this reality as well.
- Peace In Our Time, Or War? by Christopher Black from New Eastern Outlook.
- U.S. Says ‘Wants Peace Not War’ as It Arms Ukraine to the Teeth by Finian Cunningham from Strategic Culture Foundation.
- Picking Sides… by Eamon McKinney from Strategic Culture Foundation.
- Paul Craig Roberts: It May Well Be the End of the World featuring the unnamed interviewer holding an interview with Roberts from his Channel on Odysee (1:07:29).
- U.S. - Russian Talks Show Signs Of Progress by Bernhard, a German independent blogger, from his weblog Moon of Alabama.
- China-Iran Strategic Cooperation Changes the Balance of Power by Vladmir Platov from New Eastern Outlook.
In the Middle East, the Islamic Republic of Iran is virtually the only country that poses a serious threat to regional American hegemony.
- Syria’s post-war recovery challenges US hegemony featuring Aaron MatĂ© conducting an interview with Author Tim Anderson who just returned from Syria in a three month visit--from TheGrayzone's channel on YouTube (44:01).
- Israel is Tightening Its Grip on Syria’s Golan Heights by Creating “Facts on the Ground” by Jessica Buxbaum from Mint Press News.
- How WHO chief Tedros violated UN rules to advance TPLF interests in Ethiopia by Ann Garrison and Simon Tesfamariam from The Grayzone.
- The smearing of Emma Watson by Sut Jhally and Roger Waters from Peoples Dispatch. My reaction: Very insightful because they differentiate antisemitism from criticizing the policies of right-wing or fascist Jews of Israel.