The author's examination of the recent egg contamination scandal illustrates how the Federal regulatory agencies fail to protect US consumers from the crimes of major corporations whether they be Wallstreet banks or giant factory farms. Any enforcement of regulations is always directed to the little guys on main street. Why do you think this is?
...the cause of the current salmonella outbreak is industrial-scale factory farming, which has also been the cause of virtually every instance of bacterial food contamination the country has experienced in recent years. Huge farms and processors that ship their products across the nation have given us E. coli in ground beef and spinach, Salmonella in peanut butter and fresh salsa, and Listeria in processed chicken. Scanning this list of foodborne illness outbreaks in the United States for the last 15 years, I can find only one instance, listeria-tainted milk from Whitter Farms in Massachusetts, where a small, local operation sickened its customers.In the mainstream media coverage that I saw never mentioned this connection, never mentioned the deplorable conditions that exist in these factory farms.