I'm not sure how useful his categories of Arab states are, but this article provides a very useful and succinct report on the current state of unrest in the various countries of the region. It also illustrates the favorite strategy of the US-European-Israeli axis, like all hegemonies, to maintain their rule in the region: divide and conquer. He suggests that a new pan-Arabism is forming to counter this.
The interests of the U.S. government, Brussels, and Israel are to keep the Arabs in a feeble state and divided. There is, however, a new dynamic that is emerging in the Arab World. It is this new dynamic that is emerging from these upheavals and protests that will challenge the Yinon Approach that is continuously being implemented against the Arab peoples. Pan-Arabism is this new dynamic and it has made its return as a potent force. The trend of decades of divisions can eventually be reversed. Nor will the issue of Palestine be left in the hands of outside powers for much longer.