The author's report on the recent summit of most of the biggest capitalist powers (the G8 does not include China, Brazil, or India) provides some interesting perspectives on their rivalries in relation to major issues.
The unsinkable G8, meeting in Lough Erne [Northern Ireland], was an opportunity to contrast the views of the United States on the one hand, France and the United Kingdom on the other hand, and finally Russia, under the astonished eyes of the other participants. Views on world equilibrium in general and Syria in particular were aired. The economy was also discussed in order to lift the veil of secrecy shrouding the boards of offshore companies.However, the G8, like most other such international forums, is really all about carving up the world between Western powers (NATO) and the rest of the capitalist countries to achieve hegemony over the exploitation of resources, labor, and markets to the benefit of their respective ruling classes.