This is the best antidote I've seen to cope with nausea after viewing/listening/reading mainstream media's programs/reports featuring the re-hashed version of Kennedy's assassination known as the Warren Commission Report. It is clear that our ruling shadow government and their agents in mainstream media do not want the new generations of Americans since Kennedy's murder to be disturbed by any new evidence and dissenting views on the matter. The worst perpetrator of this kind of coverage has been the government's own mega-media organizations known as PBS/NPR.
This author and researcher has collected a mountain of evidence that does not support the ruling class's official story, yet their media to a considerable extent refuse to cover the discrepancies. This sort of media coverage is the greatest furnishes one of the best arguments that we have been ruled by a shadow government since the Kennedy assassination. He was the last president to rule with any kind of independence from what had been a growing right-wing cabal which since the assassination has completely taken over the government.
Despite this new evidence, there are many programs being broadcast this month about both President Kennedy and his murder, e.g. Bill O’Reilly’s Killing Kennedy. Not a single one will present anywhere near a representative selection of the new evidentiary discoveries made by the ARRB [Assassination Records Review Board created by House Select Committee on Assassinations]. Yet, this information is crucial to understanding where the United States finds itself today, a country awash in excessive secrecy and growing public distrust.