Engdahl has obtained some video footage of US backed neo-nazis showing their style in actions to overthrow the legitimate government of Ukraine. Paraphrasing a statement attributed to Franklin Roosevelt, "they may be sons-of-bitches, but they are our sons-of-bitches."
What has been deliberately censored from Western media is the reality on the ground. Here are a number of amateur videos filmed during and after the coup that paint an alarming picture of the new regime that now might join NATO if Washington has its way.
While thousands of honest Ukrainians protested peacefully for change and against the official corruption, the control of the opposition was always in the hands of brutal, organized neo-nazi groups such as Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) and, behind them, the hard-core trained killers of UNA-UNSO (Ukrainian National Assembly-Ukrainian National Defense Organization).... The fascist thugs, in many ways comparable to the Black Shirts of Mussolini fascists, are tied intimately to the parliamentary party, Svoboda....