Gold digs up more information about the new monarch of the Empire's important ally in the Middle East, the country that only sells its oil in US dollars in return for protection. (Sounds like a Mafia operation, does it not?) I particularly recommend his link to History Commons website, a project of activists who are doing such great work in uncovering the real history of the Empire.
Because the people at 911 Blogger are focused on excavating the real truth about 9/11, they make frequent references to 28 redacted pages of the official 9/11 Commission Report that they want revealed. If you are not familiar with this issue, Gold provides links to more information.

This week, Obama cancelled a trip to the Taj Mahal so he could go pay his respects for King Abdullah in Saudi Arabia. He went to see the new King, Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud, who just happens to be named as a defendant in a law suit against Saudi Arabia brought about by 9/11 Families. Some of the people that accompanied him were John McCain (who loves the 9/11 Report which absolved the Saudi Arabian Government), James A. Baker (his law firm Baker Botts represented the Saudis against the 9/11 Families in a lawsuit), and Condoleezza Rice (who lied before the 9/11 Commission, and had an oil rig named after her).