- Chris Hedges’ compelling interview with VICE News in 2015, a re-post from The Greanville Post.
- The Whitewashing of The Nazis by Christopher Black from New Eastern Outlook. (Note: Black is a Canadian and his listing of the Netflix film is likely titled "My Honor Was Loyalty" for US patrons of Netflix.)
- The US Economic War on France by Terje Maloy from Counter Information (Britain).
- Are Jeffrey Epstein’s secrets buried with him? Aron Mate of The Grayzone interviews Leonard Goodman, criminal defense attorney, writer, and media publisher in Chicago.
- Exclusive: How the US is pushing protesters to attack China. Michele Greenstein of Rick Sanchez' program from RTAmerica (via YouTube) reports from Hong Kong on the ongoing protests and the key individuals and organizations giving the uprising its direction and examines their links to Washington and the US-based National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
- US is Behind Hong Kong Protests Says US Policymaker by Tony Cartalucci from New Eastern Outlook.
- ‘The New Normal’: Trump’s ‘China Bind’ Can Be Iran’s Opportunity by Alastair Crooke from Strategic Culture Foundation.
- Biometric Fight: Facebook Defeated on Facial Recognition, But Google, Amazon Still Pushing Ahead from 21st Century Wire.
- When the denial bubble bursts: an Israeli kibbutz faces the Nakba by Salman Abu Sitta from Mondoweiss.
- Climate Catastrophe Comes for Europe by Conn M. Hallinan from his weblog Dispatches from the Edge.