- Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid by James Corbett from his weblog.
The question that Corbett poses in his final comment is not "who is Bill Gates?". Gates is simply taking advantage of the advances of technology, which is inevitable, as is his unconscious assumption that capitalism is an uncontravertible fact of reality. He has been immersed with this idea all of his life while living in the center of the capitalist empire and benefiting from the system with enormous profits and power. Gates is not an evil ogre who wants to intentionally enslave mankind. He is merely a brainwashed human wanting to logically take advantage of technology for the benefit of capitalists, like himself. Hence, the real question is: is the existence of capitalism necessary? and the answer is: in the time remaining for the human species is the necessity of comprehensive socialism: a rule by and for the people. Advanced technology should benefit all the people, and not a tiny transnational class of capitalists.
But the latter class is so addicted to power and profits that it will take a monumental effort, in the time remaining, to overthrow their system and replace it with socialism.
- Security State Using Coronavirus To Implement Orwellian Nightmare from The Jimmy Dore Show (via YouTube) featuring Dore interviewing Whitney Webb who reads from a secret report that was released under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act).
- INTERVIEW: Can Dr. Judy Mikovits be Trusted? The Truth about her Arrest from FRN (based in Serbia) which features journalist Ben Swann interviewing Dr. Judy Mikovits about "the truth behind the arrest of Dr. Judy Mikovits" and related subjects. (Note: You may also be interested in my re-post regarding Mikovits on May 14.)
- Profiting from Coronavirus by Craig Murray (Scotland) from his weblog.
- Our Civilisational Quagmire – Looking Truth in the Eye by Alastair Crooke from Strategic Culture Foundation.
- Taxpayers Are on the Hook for 98 Percent of the Fed’s $6.98 Trillion Balance Sheet by Pam and Russ Martens from their weblog Wall Street on Parade.
(Note: This is all I have time for.)