We’ve lived so long under the spell of hierarchy—from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses—that only recently have we awakened to see not only that “regular” citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high.
—Frances Moore Lappé, excerpt from Time for Progressives to Grow Up

Friday, July 24, 2020

Posts that I especially recommend today: Friday, July 24, 2020

  • Video: Germany’s COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry. This was posted on Global Research, a Canadian website. Note: I've spent an extraordinary time researching this article and the German website ACU which, translated into English, means Extra-Parliamentary Corona Committee of Inquiry. I recommend reading the English transcript which I accessed by the previous link. Dr. Heiko Schöning appears to be an ordinary German physician, I don't know about Dr. Bodo Schiffmann except that he appears to be an ordinary German physician. The last speaker is Prof. Haditsch who is, according to his testimony, a well-qualified specialist:
My personal motivation for participating in this is basically that I am a specialist in microbiology, virology, and infection epidemiology, and that, from a professional point of view, I am deeply appalled by the completely unobjective, unprofessional approach in this matter.
  • Judy Mikovits & Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. posted on The Press and the Public Project and the video was produced by Vimeo (this is only part 1 of 3). (Note: The video starts at about 35 seconds. Also, I direct you to the research about masks that is included at the bottom of the page.)