We’ve lived so long under the spell of hierarchy—from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses—that only recently have we awakened to see not only that “regular” citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high.
—Frances Moore Lappé, excerpt from Time for Progressives to Grow Up

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Saturday, October 30, 2021

  • Moderna’s free ride by Vincent Kiezebrink from CADTM (Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt).
  • Report: Big Pharma Extorts U.S. For Absurd Prices featuring Naomi Karavani from Redacted Tonight's channel on YouTube (04:33) reporting sarcastically and cynically on Big Pharma taking advantage of the capitalist system. Well, why shouldn't they? My answer: The system was designed this way.
  • The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters by Cynthia Chung from "The Saker" weblog. (Note: She goes from the subjects of phrenology, broadcast of the 1938 War of the World, to game theory to explain why fear seems to induce a lack of reason.) My reaction: Might this be an explanation for the hysteria and fear that the ruling class has promoted in relation to the "pandemic"?
We are at war here on Earth. World War III has been going on under our noses. Or, perhaps World War 2 never even ended? I wonder, has anyone else ever considered these ideas? Looking at the narratives of modern detente, one can easily conclude we will never have peace. It’s time the people of Earth reassess where it is (exactly) we want this planet to become.
My brief commentary follows: 
I think that WW2 never ended because the attempt since then has been for the newly organized combination of USA and the former British Empire in their quest to construct world domination never ended. Much like the fascist-capitalists who made their appearance in the 1930s, upon the defeat of this rival the new empire decided to take over from the classic fascists. 
The secret cabal located in the State Department of the 1940s, the US Council on Foreign Relations, and their British counterparts in 1967 added right-wing Jews of Israel to their Empire. The post-WW2 events saw the new de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire take over from the classic fascists. See my post of May 12, 2020 entitled "Fake leaders and ineffective movements" for my explanation of this assertion. 
Since the formal ending of WW2, the history of the world has been largely written with this fundamental drive for world domination by this new transnational-capitalist Empire. The propagandists for this new Empire have largely hidden their motives and actions behind the themes of promoting democracy and human rights.
Academia, with its woke newspeak, is a god-awful thing. Only through the complete destruction of language can actually fascist policies, which threaten to eradicate humanity, be passed off as progressive, even social-democratic. Our aim is to build upon our previous chapters to show that these were not intellectual fishing expeditions – we’re here with the receipts.

Jeremy Bentham’s horrific theory and model of the Panopticon is openly presented as a ‘positive vision of the future’ which official academia endorses through its ivory-tower liberal idealists as the foundation of ‘Smart Cities’. The Great Reset openly takes its inspiration for the ‘Smart City’ from the Panopticon prison system.
I like two questions that Flores asks: 
Why is there such a desire to create systems suitable for prison, for the free citizens in a society?

Why is the actual failure of the Panopticon prison, built at Millbank, not mentioned? It did not produce meaningful labor from inmates, and the rate of mental illness and suicides skyrocketed. How is this left unaddressed? 
My answer to both questions: It is because the ruling capitalist class controls academia like all other social institutions. That is what is meant by the adjective "ruling" as in "ruling class".
  • Errr... So If THIS Isn't Immoral Then WHAT IS?!! featuring Russel Brand, a British comedian, commenting seriously and alarm on what the capitalist system is designed to do--from his channel on YouTube (10:49). My reaction: Except for one consideration: their primary motivation under this capitalist system is to accumulate more power and control than others, and not wealth. After all, how could one spend more than a million dollars on things?

The following post is selected by Brad Fredricks (and his reactions, commentaries, etc.) for this website:
There is no greater time I have seen in modern history where 'Mass Formation' has occurred on the level we are seeing at this moment in time. We are absolutely in ultra-dystopic territory that should have all terrified. 

Are you still on the fence about what is going on? We have a global take-over in full swing by elite masters who are either grabbing power, money or both. Democracy is being driven off a cliff with terrified and disoriented citizens begging for understanding and guidance. 

Long ago Gustav Lebon wrote The Crowd, Psychology of the Popular Mind. Lebons seminal work changed the world as he outline popular mass psychology characteristics, mass formation, that were later used by leaders like Hitler, and no so it seems, Governments, and Corporations worldwide. 

We are now in a dangerous world where people are completely unhinged from the reality of what is occurring. People, scared, are socially pressured into taking vaccinations propagandized as "safe and effective", despite mounting evidence that neither is true.

The state of the world right now is such that those able to stand against the tide are bearing the burden of knowing the reality. For those who are out there speaking truth, doing their effort in communicating clearly with others, you are the protectors of the ones you love.

Never give up. Never give in. We have lives to protect.