We’ve lived so long under the spell of hierarchy—from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses—that only recently have we awakened to see not only that “regular” citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high.
—Frances Moore Lappé, excerpt from Time for Progressives to Grow Up

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Posts that I especially recommend for Thursday, February10, 2022

  • Rats in a Cage by Chris Martenson, PhD from Peak Prosperity. (Note: This post includes a 29:07 video which is the focus of the post.)
To be honest, I don’t even know what that means. 85% agreed to the injections? But there will be more injections, right? Or there is only 25% who don’t want to be injected?

People always object comparing any oppression to the holocaust, for a good reason, yes, but Jewish people in Germany in 1933 were less than 1% of the total population. Taking away basic human rights from 25% of the population while baselessly and systemically calling them “selfish”, “health hazard”, “fascists” and so on is a huge deal. Canadian people have been subjected to very harsh lockdown measures as well as injection mandates. My friend who hasn’t been injected told me that she can’t even get on a train. And I mean if you have a family, one of them would be unvaccinated. Don’t you stand for your family members or your friends? Or you suddenly pretend that you don’t know them? You just do what you are told? Exclude them? Vilify then?

Once again the ruling capitalist has successfully terrified ordinary people in their fear campaigns waged after the concentration of ownership of economic property under the capitalist system that has given them control over every institution.  
I meet such people every day and these people are completely unaware that the concentration of ownership has anything to do with this fear campaign, and they sometimes are well educated (read indoctrinated) people. They simply cannot believe that the four decades prior to this one which have been characterized with the dramatic concentration of ownership (control) by the ruling capitalist class has giving them complete control over all institutions. I remember the days back in the 1960s and '70s when they allowed some dissent.
In addition, the rise of corruption of the class-based "democratic" governments of the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire and even the UN to bring about this dramatic changes during this fake "pandemic" has successfully turned ordinary citizens into terrified and obedient citizens. They cannot comprehend the simple truth contained in the statement by Upton Sinclair in the 1934 that "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!" Nowadays this has been true more than ever before.
Capitalist arrangements include all the tricks of censorship, false data collection created by the capitalist government ensuring that hospitals get more funding as a result of diagnosing the incidence of covid using false PCR tests, widespread fear propaganda spread by the ownership of media corporations from which most people get their "news", control of careers and government grant approvals for research, creation of logarithms which make it hard to find dissident views over the internet from data-gathering corporations, threats to medical physicians of the loss of their licenses to practice, and mandates by politicians who want to get future donations from the rich ruling class to fund their re-elections. 
If these and similar tricks don't work, there is always assassination of key dissidents carried out by the CIA, which has studied for many years how to kill people and get away with it, or their well-paid contractors, many of which are crime syndicates. Their previous successes were highlighted by the assassinations of JFK and his brother, and of many minor figures and some uncountable unknowns (see, for example, this possible assassination).
Well-educated people, many of which are hi-tech collaborators with the ruling capitalist class, have enjoyed lifetime careers and they don't want to do with anything which would jeopardize their careers. Others simply cannot believe in conspiracy theories that socioeconomic class has anything to with it. These people have in their lifetime been conditioned by the ruling class and their control of all institutions to become gullible people believing in such naive notions that the USA is a humanitarian and ideal democratic country--not a benevolent nation but an Empire that aspires to impose global domination on other nations (read and understand this post). As such, their sick goal is to indoctrinate people regardless of citizenship to go along with their self-serving plans of power and control. The truth is very simple: the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire is just like all other capitalist empires: the Nazi's Third Reich and the Japanese Empire.
  • Tyranny Ahead by Paul Craig Roberts from his weblog. My reaction: Even the old-fashion capitalists are worried!
  • Veganism & Mass Incarceration featuring Chris Hedges' interview with mass incarceration educator and poet, Gretchen Primack using RT America's channel on YouTube (25:31). 
  • The Boxer Rebellion Explained featuring Anders Lee explain a little history of the Boxer Rebellion (in China) that became a common practice with capitalist USA and the rest of the world using Redacted Tonight's channel on YouTube (05:43). My reaction: This practice furnished the wealth of FDR as he discovered during the search for his ancestors (this was a hobby of his).