We’ve lived so long under the spell of hierarchy—from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses—that only recently have we awakened to see not only that “regular” citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high.
—Frances Moore Lappé, excerpt from Time for Progressives to Grow Up

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Posts that I especially recommend for Thursday, April 7, 2022

For centuries the left in the United States has stood against authoritarianism and government repression, and for civil liberties and the cause of the working class. Yet with the advent of COVID and the resulting pandemic, many on the left have abandoned all of those values, acquiescing to the demands of the pharmaceutical industry and co-opted government agencies to support lockdowns, vaccine mandates and vaccine passports.
  • They Wouldn’t, Would They? features, a British comedian turned serious analyst of political events--from Brand's channel on YouTube (00:52). 
  • Lee Camp on censoring anti-war voices features Camp being interviewed by Alexandria Zoe from Peoples Dispatch's channel on YouTube (18:14). (Note: The text acts as an introduction to the video.)
  • Sanctions - The Blowback featuring an interview with economist Michael Hudson from Renegade's channel on YouTube (27:57).
  • 💥The Necessity of Russian Victory in Ukraine: “I Don’t Want Peace. I Want War and I Want War to Finish it’s Awful Business.” features a video discussion by various participants. I only post Scott Ritter's view starting at 54:50 to expound his view of the war in Ukraine because I believe it is the one that has special merit. This is a best post. (Note: The video presentation by Ritter is from 54:50 to the end of his presentation at 109:15 which is 14:25 total time.) My reaction: We are seeing censorship applied with the war in Ukraine as we did in the corona pandemic, and I don't think that this is a mere coincidence. I don't know who wrote the following statement, but I fully agree with the first paragraph:
In this webinar titled “The First Casualty of War is Truth”, Scott Ritter delivered a powerful statement, departing from Western left hypocrisy. I concur with his assessment. Russia’s operation in Ukraine merits the full support of anti-imperialists throughout the world.
As a punishment for speaking the truth about the war in Ukraine, his twitter account was suspended.
  • Violent Inflation Riots Begin by Chris Martenson from his weblog PeakPosperity. (Note: This post includes a text summary, a visual and an audio presentation.)
  • Unless FullFact.org Says So Then It’s Not True, The UK Government Advises by Rhoda Wilson from The Exposé, a British based website. My reaction: It looks like the Brits are being subjected to the same censorship that we, in the USA, are facing. But this is not surprising. After all, Britain is in the same empire as the US--the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire as the USA.
This is Part 2 of Facing Future TV’s discussion with Dr. Luiz Marquez about his upcoming book, The Decisive Decade. Dr. Marques is a Professor of Environmental History at the State University of Campinas in São Paolo, Brazil. Here we discuss how war, overconsumption, pollution and ecological destruction are accelerating the #climate crisis while harming our health and the planet. This is fueled by global #capitalism and the grip of corporate control which rages unchecked. We must evolve to defeat the climate crisis - and this includes true accountability for corporate agents of ruin. Dr. Luiz Marques, a leading proponent of #EcologicalEconomics (http://isecoeco.org) shows why an economy based on continuous exponential growth, is unsustainable.