The Empire has its own stimulus plans that don't require any debate. Read about an example of this going on now in Afghanistan. Meanwhile the ruling class at the Empire's home base are currently planning on cuts to Social Security while local jurisdictions are already slashing public services that result in layoffs of teachers, police, fireman, librarians, social workers, etc.
While Americans fight bitterly over whether the stimulus package for the domestic economy was too large or too small, few in the US even notice that the American stimulus package in Kabul, Islamabad, Baghdad, and elsewhere in our embattled Raj is going great guns. Embassies the size of pyramids are still being built; military bases to stagger the imagination continue to be constructed; and nowhere, not even in Iraq, is it clear that Washington is committed to packing up its tents, abandoning its billion-dollar monuments, and coming home.See also an article on the same subject by Nick Turse from TomDispatch.