King's search would do best to ask why any Muslim would be against our great country which provides so many freedoms of speech, opinion and belief.This 90 year old fearless journalist who has won numerous journalism awards is now writing for this highly respected Virginia newspaper after having been a victim of a stealth attack from a Zionist reporter.
But he is not seeking in-depth answers. Is there any reason some Muslims might be unhappy that their home country was under attack by the U.S.?
In this commentary she sees the same process at work with the current hearings on Muslims chaired by Rep. King with Sen. McCarthy's hearings during the anti-communist witch hunts of the early 1950s when the US ruling class was busy purging unions of militant leaders, and other left-thinking persons throughout US society.
Is Rep. King merely another right-wing bigot, a "useful idiot" who is being used by American Zionists to promote more pro-Israel policies, or is he being used by the ruling class to divide Americans as they have already done with their anti-immigrant campaigns? You know--the old divide and conquer strategy to divert attention away from the class war now being aggressively waged against American working people in the Mid-Western States? You decide.
See also this piece entitled, "Representative King and the Muslim Hearings: McCarthy, Part Deux?"
Read here about the latest target of anti-Muslim bigotry and fear.