...America’s two-party system is like buying a ticket on a commercial airline. You can request a seat on the right side or you can request a seat on the left side of the plane. But it doesn’t matter because the same pilot controls both wings.The author doesn't really spend much time on New Jersey Governor Christie, but instead he makes a valiant effort to disabuse many ordinary Americans of their belief in the carefully managed elections as an exercise in "democracy", especially liberals who election after election become enamored of some candidate who makes nice sounding promises to create a more decent, peaceful society. (I have frequently lived in college towns where many liberals hang out, and have witnessed this phenomenon throughout my long life.)
I have become rather cynical about such an effort as this. In the past I kept thinking that people would "wise up" to this political scam after so many lies have been told, and after things keep getting worse. But no--I continue to see cars in my area with Obama bumper stickers plastered on them.