We’ve lived so long under the spell of hierarchy—from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses—that only recently have we awakened to see not only that “regular” citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high.
—Frances Moore Lappé, excerpt from Time for Progressives to Grow Up

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Wednesday, May 26, 2021

  • Transcript – Guns and Butter Interview with Bonnie Faulkner March 8, 2021 [posted on 5/18/21] from Wrench in Gears. (Note: Notice the link to the actual interview broadcast on WBAI in New York. Also, during the interview Faulkner asks a key question after she introduces the question: "I was taught that one of the main [characteristics of] capitalism is that it must grow or expand. You have written that 'in order for capitalism to continue on a beautiful planet of finite resources, the plan is to shift growth to digital realms' which is what you’ve been discussing. How is virtual capitalism going to piggyback on real-world capitalism?") [my insertion] 
Rejection of a resolution calling for “respect for international humanitarian law” is not consistent with Washington’s intention to abide by the “rules-based international order” which is apparently the solution to all the world’s problems — providing the rules are not applied to Israel.
Has Big Tech poisoned our politics or has it merely revealed deep social and political divisions? With each passing day making that determination becomes more and more difficult. Those who have the power to control our social interactions define what we understand to be reality. This is simply tyrannical.

CrossTalking with Ron Placone and Suzie Dawson.
My reaction: Of course Big Tech is controlled by the ruling capitalist class! It is another weapon in their vast arsenal that is aimed at all those that are not on board with the agendas and the interests of the ruling class.
This short history does not reveal the history of collusion by the Western capitalist ruling classes with German Nazis to crush the anti-capitalist Soviet Union and to rid the world of any kind of socialism that threatens the rule of capitalists. After WWII this history of their past collusion with Nazis has been rewritten to eliminate nearly all references to true history. This was especially true of most giant corporations like the Ford Company, IT&T, General Motors, etc. who kept their German industries running throughout WWII. 
Early in the war, conspirators, mostly in the State Department, saw the opportunity to construct another empire out of the remnants of the former British Empire with the intact industry and powerful military forces of the USA. (This was all laid out in earlier posts: here, here, and here.) But present generations know none of this history because it has been scrubbed from history books by historians appointed by the governors of their new empire, the US/Anglo/Zionist Empire (Israel and the right-wing power of Zionist finance were added later).
Today we see the current reactionary forces at work in the Empire's capitalist ruling classes to rid themselves of the burden of supporting poor people by eliminating "useless eaters" to lessen the threat climate destabilization confronting them so they can resume business as usual. Like I wrote in a commentary on 2/7/2021:
... this is a dangerous thought. Imagine that our masters in the ruling class have in their deluded thinking reached a conclusion that in order to save themselves [as their capitalist system] they must get rid of us untermenschen? They might in this belief decide that we ordinary humans are "useless eaters" and expendable, or worse yet like "communists" or anti-capitalists--class enemies, and kill us all in order to save themselves from the climate crisis, which they have caused, and they know is coming sooner or later. Perhaps the Great Reset is one such delusion. [my present insertion]
Our masters are presently busy trying to eliminate labor laws that guarantee workers' rights using the excuse of protecting the health of workers based on recommendations from CDC and OSHA, and the incessant propaganda about their contrived "pandemic". They are busy creating a two-tier society in which "good Germans" are extended all kinds of privileges based on their good behavior and the rest of us are denied travel and access to many services. 
  • Greetings from “New Normal” Germany! by CJ Hopkins. an American playwright and political satirist, who currently lives in Germany. He is mostly serious in this post, and describes the current living conditions of the German "new normal"  which is currently threatening to come to the USA.
Last week, here in “New Normal” Germany, the government (which, it goes without saying, bears no resemblance to the Nazi regime, or any other totalitarian regime) implemented a social-segregation system that bans anyone who refuses to publicly conform to the official “New Normal” ideology from participating in German society. From now on, only those who have an official “vaccination pass” or proof of a negative PCR test are allowed to sit down and eat at restaurants, shop at “non-essential” stores, or go to bars, or the cinema, or wherever. 
  • Science Update: Arctic Summit 2021 featuring Prof. (retired) Guy McPherson, an independent scientist who has for many years focused on the climate crisis, and from his YouTube channel (09:56m).
The entire western half of the United States, from the Pacific Coast, across the great basin and the desert of the southwest, up through the rockies to the northern plains, is currently being ravaged by a drought so bad that many are now calling it a megadrought, the worst one the country has seen in 1200 years.