We’ve lived so long under the spell of hierarchy—from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses—that only recently have we awakened to see not only that “regular” citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high.
—Frances Moore Lappé, excerpt from Time for Progressives to Grow Up

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Tuesday, November 2, 2021

  • How Fauci Fooled America | Opinion by Martin Kulldorff and Jay Bhattacharya from Newsweek.  My reaction: I can't figure out how or why this mainstream publication posted this!
As a pediatrician and a mother, I am particularly concerned about the impacts of climate change on maternal and child health. Pregnant women are especially at risk from heat because they have a higher body temperature to start with, and are “cooling for two”, which makes them more susceptible to dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.
Constible later adds:
The latest report from the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which synthesizes over 14,000 scientific studies, makes clear that human-driven global warming is happening faster than anticipated. The medical community is increasingly speaking out on the grave risk that climate change poses to human health. 
  • Global Blueprint Exposed: The Takeover Of All Genetic Material On Earth by Patrick Wood from Technocracy News. Wood, while disclosing the antecedents to the Great Reset, reaches this conclusion:
    Hiding behind benevolent concepts such as eliminating poverty and providing education for all, is a cadre of genetic engineers intent on making life “sustainable” on planet earth by simply changing the structure and nature of life that consumes resources, including humanity itself.

    The mad global dash to inject synthetic mRNA and synthetic DNA into the arms of every human on earth should make a little more sense to the reader. This is their shared vision to bridge the gap between humanity and nature to be “living in harmony” with it, to balance the scales of resources vs. consumption, to create new markets for new products, to bring to life the transhuman dream of modifying DNA to achieve life extension and ultimately, immortality.

    This has happened right under our noses while everyone’s attention was focused on other issues. What we thought were the key issues of Agenda 21, the 2030 Agenda, Biodiversity Convention, etc., were indeed real issues, but they were not the main issue.

              Indeed, the main issue is the takeover of all genetic material on earth.
  • 💥Frogs Slow-Boiling in Their Pans by Alastair Crooke from Strategic Culture Foundation. This is a best post. My reaction: Crooke considers that opinion-makers often see geopolitical contradictions everywhere, and he offers an insight that is less than reassuring in a human-world that is shaped more by power/control and its ultimate power--violence:
The rules-based liberal order was always, in part, an illusion – albeit one that gripped much of the world, for a period of time. Power everywhere was more important than rules, but the illusion still maintained its’ slowly-eroding aura of stability, until power moved elsewhere. And that shift has now occurred.

Perhaps this is culturally too difficult for the western Establishment to bear. All this bluffing may be to distract. The danger however, is if some U.S. élites should come to believe their own bluffs. The water in the pan is reaching boiling. Maybe the frog is already too zombified, too enervated by the heat, to jump – and, if it should try, may find it has not the energy and vitality remaining to clear the fires below – potentially those of Taiwan, Iran or the Ukraine.

  • Why A Conservative Conference in Florida?: Organized and paid for by Israel by Philip Giraldi from The Unz Review. My reaction: Aren't right-wing Jews of Israel excel at making money via the capitalist system? It seems to me that if you favor capitalism and the rich, you favor Israel. But I suspect that is not the case with Ron Unz, the founder of The Unz Review. I further suspect that he is against all Jews, and favors a racist position in capitalism.
Today [10/11/2021] I spoke with Lebanese journalist, mother and academic Marwa Osman about recent events in Lebanon orchestrated by the US and Israel to foment sectarian violence and civil war. We talk about the latest Israeli aggression and Resistance Allied Command retaliation and the change in the Resistance Axis strategy that threatens Zionist/US/UK hegemony in the region now and in the future.
  • Big Telecoms Secretly Label Customers “Gay,” “Troubled,” Etc. by Naomi Karavani from the Redacted Tonight's channel on YouTube (05:03). My reaction: Surprised? But you shouldn't be because everything is geared toward capitalists' interests in capitalist societies. Privacy laws only pertain to useless personal information, that is, personal information in which capitalists don't have a major interest.
  • The Trillion Dollar Industry That Will End Humanity featuring Lee Camp from his channel on YouTube (10:05). My reaction: Camp exposes how we come to believe falsehoods according to knowledgeable ad executives and their ad specialists. That is why businesses spend so much on advertising.
  • Monday~COP26: Glasgow by John Allen from his weblog on Medium. (Note: It looks like you can access this article a limited number of times before Medium requires you to subscribe. But, the subscription rates are very reasonable--I have subscribed.)
The following posts are selected by Brad Fredricks (and his reactions, commentaries, etc.) for this website:
The Epstein inquiry continues to bear fruit and rolling heads. On Monday Barclays CEO, Jes Staley, resigned amid an ongoing probe into his ties to Jeffrey Epstein during his time working at JP Morgan.
While the world struggles under the weight of inflation and vaccine mandates the elites struggle under the weight of their pernicious desires and questionable associations coming to light. Before anyone speculates on Staley's patronizing of underage women with Epstein, it should be said that when it comes to money it appears there is no morality. Banks do business with anyone and everyone, so long as the profits outweigh the potential losses. This too can be said for Staley.

As people are barely surviving to make ends meet, don't worry about Staley. He is disembarking from Barclays with the safety net of his contract which entitles him to receive $3.3 million in cash and Barclays shares until October 31 of next year.

It appears the good ole' boys are running for cover but less than likely any of those involved in Epstein's trafficking of underage women, be it recruiting or consuming, will actually go to jail. But, don't give up hope there's always Prince Andrew. Who is still under federal investigation in the US, may become the sacrifice to appease the lions of brain-dead masses still not realizing the world is controlled by a heartless, morally corrupt, and apparently perverted elite.