We’ve lived so long under the spell of hierarchy—from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses—that only recently have we awakened to see not only that “regular” citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high.
—Frances Moore Lappé, excerpt from Time for Progressives to Grow Up

Saturday, November 6, 2021

Posts that I especially recommend for Saturday, November 6, 2021

  • 💥Vaccine Authoritarianism Explained by Max Borders from American Institute for Economic Research. This is a best post. My reaction: I very much doubt that Borders explains the obsessive promotion by the ruling class of the Covid-19 pandemic with his "follow the money" scenario--that will await further revelations. But he does explain how irrational it is from a public health perspective. But for now, I will patiently await further revelations.
Thousands of intelligence officers could soon face dismissal for failing to comply with the U.S. government’s vaccine mandate, leading Republican lawmakers to raise concerns about removing employees from agencies critical to national security. 
  • “This Takes The P*** Now!” Biden’s New JFK Files Excuse featuring Russell Brand, a British comic, using the postponement of the JFK files as a comic theme, also as an illustration that the ruling capitalist class (throughout the banking and corporate circles) via their government has been deceiving you for nearly 60 years--from his YouTube (09:36) channel.
  • Shock Update! featuring Lee Camp from his channel on YouTube (12:13) cynically and comically reporting and commenting on the ol' Russiagate story reported in recent years by the ruling class via their control of all corporate media and the Democratic Party (actually both significant political parties that are allowed to participate in US elections) to once again fool the American people.
  • The End of Media featuring an interview (1:03:00) with Ben Swann conducted by Chris Martenson, PhD from his weblog PeakProsperity.
The most powerful private financial interests in the world, under the cover of COP26, have developed a plan to transform the global financial system by fusing with institutions like the World Bank and using them to further erode national sovereignty in the developing world.
  • What America's 17 Intelligence Agencies Won't Say About the Origins of Covid by Ron Unz from his weblog The Unz Report. My reaction: Although I have criticized this source for casting all Jews in a negative light; that their political orientation is old-fashioned (industrial) capitalism; and it is obvious that while The Unz Report argues against neoliberalism and neoconservatives, they also favor industrial capitalism. However, I also think that this site basically issues real evidence on other topics, and I think this is one example.
Although China has dedicated efforts to maintaining good relations with India, the South Asian country inherited Western geopolitical ideas and principles from its suzerain when it was a British colony. India conducted numerous cooperation with the US in cybersecurity and it is reasonable to speculate that behind the hacker groups there is intelligence sharing between India and the US, Shen said.
The climate denial delegates are listed as attending COP26 on behalf of the US-based Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT) and the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), both of which have a long history of rejecting mainstream climate science and have previously taken funding from oil giant ExxonMobil.
The following post is selected by Brad Fredricks (and his reactions, commentaries, etc.) for this website:
This desire to create true world money would involve the creation of a digital special drawing right (SDR). SDRs are issued by the IMF to member nations and may be issued to other multilateral institutions such as the United Nations.
My comments:
The IMF is part of the UN, as is the World Bank. Long ago the IMF began issuing debt (technically not currency) under its Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). It is the IMF's goal to become the single currency of nations, using SDRs to issue its debt. SDRs are convertible to nearly all Government based currencies and even have a corresponding conversion table update in real-time, but again, they claim it is not a hard currency, but just a drawing right issued to governments central banks.

In 1969 the IMF created the first SDRs, however, its origins went back to the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944. This enabled the UN to act as a big brother piggybank to smaller nations. The SDR is roughly made of a basket of five currencies contributed by member nations, and is generally used as a loan for poorer nations.

What do these loans actually accomplish?

In Geneva, UN member nations come to convene business with corporations at the United Nations Council on Trade & Development (UNCTAD). These are "open-door" closed meetings where UN-recognized members, representatives, etc., of companies, corporations, and nations sit down to agree upon what minerals, hydrocarbons, and other national capital assets are available to sell, how much to sell, and to who they will sell it to.

This right here is exactly what the United Nations is truly about. Commerce.
In extracting the resources, the member nations are issued essentially credits into their central bank which they can use to obtain currencies used to buy hard assets, like mining rigs, trucks, and whatever is needed in the extraction of resources that were forecast and agreed upon in sales at the UNCTAD meetings.

Sometimes during this process, someone is corrupt and takes their special position and access to reroute this money into their own special interests, be it companies, friends, personal wealth, etc.
So, when you think of the IMF, they're really just a method of financing of resource extraction from member states that the banking world agrees to. It's all a big self-referential bullshit machine that signifies nothing more than a paper agreement to take land and resources from the people of earth in an organized and orderly fashion.

In my humble opinion, these are the real thieves of nations.

The fairest and most reliable monetary system I can think of is one that is the least elegant, with a plurality of currencies, overlapping and not organized. This copies food systems found in nature, which are not organized and elegant, but chaotic and overlapping.

The only true efficiency achieved by the SDK is control of many by the few, and as such, is to be avoided at all costs.