We’ve lived so long under the spell of hierarchy—from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses—that only recently have we awakened to see not only that “regular” citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high.
—Frances Moore Lappé, excerpt from Time for Progressives to Grow Up

Monday, March 21, 2022

Posts that I especially recommend for Monday, March 21, 2022

  • This Is How They Take Over posted by Russell Brand, a British comedian turned serious analyst of political events--from Brand's channel on YouTube (00:52).
The theory being examined here is that COVID-19 may have been deliberately released not only in China but in all countries, that the source of the pathogen was the US bio-weapons labs scattered around the world, and that the transmission mechanism was US military bases. The evidence for this theory is largely circumstantial, is admittedly spotty and some of the threads are quite thin. Nevertheless, these shortcomings do not of themselves negate the possibility so let’s look at what we have.

My reaction: The motives under this conspiracy theory is that the rich ruling class of the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire, an Empire created by capitalists, know perfectly well that we are confronting a climate crisis. This is their solution: to reduce the population in order to save themselves.
  • 💥The Power Brokers You Never Elected by Jonas Nilsson (48:55) from EarthNewspaper. My reaction: This is why you should be concerned. This is why media corporations publish similar stories about world events. My reaction: I take exception to their assertion that the directors of this de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire or "globalists" use the climate threat to push more "globalism" to create a "frenzied fear" for us to give up more of our "autonomy". I repeat that the directors of this Empire are realistically concerned about an impending climate crisis, but they only offer a self-serving solution: the want to de-populate the Earth. (I've only had time to listen to a part of this video, but the rest may compensate for this initial impression.)
This is the game of politics, where there are no friends, only circumstantial allies. It only remains to be seen whether in the diplomatic field the European Union manages to free itself, at least partially, from the Atlantic Alliance, finding a key role in negotiations with Moscow. In the economic field, there is certainty that the sanctions imposed on Russia, if not acted upon promptly in the diplomatic field, will do more damage to the European continent than even the pandemic itself.
My reaction: The author describes the situation of Europe at the present time, but I look to the future when ordinary Europeans wake-up to the fact that petroleum from Russia is far cheaper than imported elsewhere and corporate leaders feel likewise. The present leaders in Europe, with the possible exception of Macron, are presently so tied to the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire, but they may be replaced by Europeans who awaken to this fact and see that Russia is no threat to them after the latter defeat the mercenary armies of the Empire and they leave the de-Nazified Ukraine. 
  • The Only ‘Agency’ Ukraine Has Is The Central Intelligence Kind by Australian Caitlin Johnstone with her American husband, Tim Foley, also reading the script (07:44) in the audio version of her text, but you may miss supporting examples, illustrations, etc.)--from her weblog. My reaction: Sorry to say this, but millions across the globe fall for the false narratives of the highly trained propaganda specialists that the rich ruling class has set up in well-paid careers so that they can have those careers and raise families. Only by the masses taking responsibility for their futures (acting as well-informed agencies) can ordinary people break the stranglehold on themselves put there by the rich ruling classes. The right-wing rule of the rich use their "information" agencies (mainstream media, schools, Hollywood films, etc.) to fill the minds with fake versions of reality of ordinary people so that they comply with rich people's interests of ever greater amounts of profit and power. The first step is for ordinary people to take control of information agencies that fill their minds with false propaganda how ever difficult this might be. 
This emotional content already is blinding western commentators to military realities on the ground which are ignored and effaced by daily claims of heart-rending atrocities. In today’s West, analysis has become a mere expression of correct culture, and any mention of ground realities, almost a crime. It is the perfect context for mistakes to be made.

To what will it lead: The logic is compelling: A western total war? 
  • The Great Reset: This Is How He Does It featuring Russell Brand, a British comedian turned serious analyst of political events, and guest Nick Corbishley--from Brand's channel on YouTube (10:50). My reaction: Many leftists think that the WEF and the Davos crowd are separate from the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire. They are the ruling class behind the Empire. Many people allowed on YouTube to criticize the Empire's policies are comedians or rap artists because the careerist-managers of YouTube think that you may ignore such people in favor of media figures who proliferate all over media corporations that issue only pro-Empire propaganda. Serious real critics of government policies, which are considered "thought crimes", are not allowed on YouTube or social media. That is why they tolerate Jimmy Dore and Russell Brand.
  • P&O and the Tory Road to Serfdom by Craig Murray, a Scotsman, from his weblog. (Note: The P&O is a railroad in Britain, and this article is all about British politics. Consider this in relation to the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire, an empire operated by capitalist ruling classes that serve the rich.)
  • Trans Swimmer Destroying Competition And Setting Records featuring Jimmy Dore, a comedian turned anti-propagandist and guest Kurt Metzger, a comedian mostly interjecting humorous satirical comments--from Dore's channel on YouTube (24:10). My reaction: This phenomenon is part of the tactics in the overall strategy by the ruling class to confuse left-tending Americans to co-opt them behind the Democratic Party, a traditional workingman's party.
  • Nuclear Fusion Illusion. Is it time to park the pipe dream? by Dave Borlace, a Brit, from the channel of Just Have a Think on YouTube (14:35). My reaction: This has to be a "wet-dream" of all capitalists to save their system. That is why you see many articles extolling the latest developments of nuclear fusion. Borlace thinks that this may be an illusion.
  • Three Chinese Curses featuring the views and analysis of Prof. (retired) Guy McPherson, an independent scientist (via his YouTube channel--09:43), who has fearlessly focused his attention throughout much of his prior career and retirement on the climate crisis. My reaction: It certainly sounds like the climate professor is retiring from warning us about the climate crisis, but he insists that he is only moving on to a project that accepts our human extinction.