We’ve lived so long under the spell of hierarchy—from god-kings to feudal lords to party bosses—that only recently have we awakened to see not only that “regular” citizens have the capacity for self-governance, but that without their engagement our huge global crises cannot be addressed. The changes needed for human society simply to survive, let alone thrive, are so profound that the only way we will move toward them is if we ourselves, regular citizens, feel meaningful ownership of solutions through direct engagement. Our problems are too big, interrelated, and pervasive to yield to directives from on high.
—Frances Moore Lappé, excerpt from Time for Progressives to Grow Up

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Posts that I especially recommend for Thursday, March 24, 2022

  • Black Web, Red Tide by "Apparatchik" from Internationalist 360°. My reaction: Although this post doesn't make it clear, it is essentially accurate that the Cold War did not begin when most people think it did, but immediately after the Russian Revolution of 1917. The British Empire took on the task to restore capitalism in Russia after the 1917 Revolution, but after that the combined capitalist forces that evolved into the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire and their NATO army led the way that we see today in Ukraine. You see, real socialism, not the fake version of the welfare state that sometimes crops up in capitalist nations, brought a major threat to capitalism such that one or the other had to eliminate its antagonist. (Read my articles here and here, and this has been recently confirmed (confessed to) by a Columbia U. professor in his book Tomorrow the World.
  • Biden’s Actions are Behind the Collapsing Dollar by Valery Kulikov from New Eastern Outlook. My reaction: Forget about the headline which is designed for Western audiences which have been indoctrinated with the individualist component of capitalism. Biden is only an employee of the collective members of the Deep State, the financiers and major corporation CEOs that make up the Deep State and their deluded supporters among high-tech careerists. The rest of the article describes how unstable the US dollar is which is making worthless the creditors who have invested in US debt. The next move of the Deep State likely will be cutting Social Security payments to their elderly citizens which will affect all citizens. Then it will be "game over" (def.) for our ruling class. That is why they are going all out to win in Ukraine.
  • 💥💥Sanctions: The Blowback featuring Michael Hudson, an economist, express his views about the sanctions--from RT posted on The Saker weblog. My reaction: In the interview with Ross Ashcroft, Hudson appears pessimistic regarding a peaceful outcome of the war in Ukraine (listen to his comments in response to Ashcroft's question "how do you think this pans out?--at 22:50). Because time is running out for the major effects of the climate crisis, perhaps the Deep State regard this is the final battle that the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire seeks in their quest to dominate to the world. To the "stakeholders" (the super class of the Empire that owns everything outside of Russia, China, and a few other nations), it's the capitalist Empire's control over the world--or nothing. (Did I hear Hudson correctly when I heard him say at approximately 21:50 that "even though the US is the largest debtor in the world, it is the largest creditor vis-a-vis the global south"?) [I edited this response at 8:45 AM CT on Friday.]
  • We Interrupt This Program To Bring You the World As It Burns by Phil Butler from New Eastern Outlook. My reaction: This is a highly cynical view of the war in Ukraine as Butler points to all the fakery that is confronting American audiences who are exhausted and bewildered after their ordeal of the "pandemic". 
... echoes from the Empire of Lies all but gave the whole game away. There’s no intention whatsoever in Washington to facilitate a peace plan in Ukraine – and that explains Comedian Zelensky’s non-stop stalling tactics. The supreme target is regime change in Russia, and for that Totalen Krieg against Russia and all things Russian is warranted. Ukraine is just a pawn in the game – or worse, mere cannon fodder. 
  • I Know It Hurts But... by Andrei Martyanov, an immigrant to the USA from Russia and who is widely regarded as a weapons expert--from his weblog Reminiscence of the Future....
The split on this issue [among the citizens of the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire] is between those who trust this gut feeling and those who choose to psychologically compartmentalize away from it. Because if you don’t compartmentalize away from it, the implications of this are very frightening. It means pretty much everything you’ve been told your whole life about the government, about your nation, about the news media, and about the way the world works, has been a lie.

But that is the basic reality
Two leaked stories from the Pentagon have exposed the lies of mainstream media about how Russia is conducting the Ukraine war in a bid to counter propaganda intended to get NATO into the conflict ....
  • The danger of American bio laboratories by Batko Milacic from The Saker weblog. My reaction: I think that Covid-19 was engineered in such laboratories as an effort to reduce the world's population, a major effort by the ruling capitalist classes to alleviate the climate crisis.
You’ve heard the term “if it’s free you are the product”? Well, that’s always been a quaint yet silly advertising slogan for our collective malaise with our digital world. The implication being if it’s free, you will be paying for it in may many other ways that you cannot see. A more appropriate and honest slogan would be: “You are and always have been the target.” Your body, your mind, your mental state, your political beliefs, your private and public habits, your DNA (the past two years) and now your bank accounts and ideological and philanthropic associations are being targeted by western governments for lists, censorship, seizure and freezing out from participation in society unless you submit and obey, forever. [my correction]
My reaction: Or at least the websites/weblogs we depend on to reveal the truth.
  • Does the US See Ukraine as ‘Another Afghanistan’ to Bleed Russia? With Anatol Lieven in a video in which Rania Khalek interviews Lieven, a senior research fellow at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and author of Ukraine and Russia: A Fraternal Rivalry--from Breakthrough News. My reaction: This post has been mistitled because a very short segment has been addressed by Lieven regarding this issue in which he responds with superficial comments. I recommend this post only for a short segment beginning at 1 hour in which Lieven says this war is interfering with possible solutions for the climate crisis. This is because the ruling capitalist classes of the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire have prioritized saving capitalism, the system that has brought them so much wealth and power. This shows that they are thoroughly addicted to this socioeconomic system. Because Lieven has been educated in the West, he has suffered from a truncated history of Russia that reflects the interests of capitalist ruling classes on nearly all other issues.
  • The Global Climate Crimes Project from Facing Future's channel on YouTube (30:05). My reaction: I wouldn't include Russia and China from this list going to the International Criminal Court. I tend to think that the ruling classes in these two countries have opted to privatize roughly one-half of their economies in order to better confront the de-facto US/British/Zionist Empire, a purely capitalist Empire, that wants to dominate the entire world.